Publikationen: 2021
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Publikationen, die vor 2020 veröffentlicht wurden, sind entweder im Newsletter-Archiv oder unter dem Menüpunkt "Buchpublikationen seit 1979" einzusehen.
- Arendt, F. (2021). The opioid-overdose crisis and fentanyl: The role of online information seeking via internet search engines. Health Communication, 36(10), 1148-1154. doi:10.1080/10410236.2020.1748820
- Arendt, F. (2021). Assessing responsible reporting on suicide in the nineteenth century: Evidence for a high quantity of low-quality news. Death Studies, 45(4), 305-312. doi:10.1080/07481187.2019.1626952
- Arendt, F., Markiewitz, A., & Scherr, S. (2021). Investigating suicide-related subliminal messages on Instagram: A frame-by-frame analysis of video posts. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 42(4), 263-269. doi:10.1027/0227-5910/a000717
- Banks, J., & Koban, K. (2021). Framing effects on judgments of social robots' (im)moral behaviors. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 627233. doi:10.3389/frobt.2021.627233
- Banks, J.*, Koban, K.*, & Chauveau, P. de V. (2021). Forms and frames: Mind, morality, and trust in robots across prototypical interactions. Human-Machine Communication, 2, 81-103. doi:10.30658/hmc.2.4
*shared first-authorship
- Bauer, Th. A. (2021). Mediality: The cultural-symbolic sphere of social practice. Galaxia Revista do Programa de Pòs-Graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica. São Paulo: Revistas PUCSP.
- Berk, N., Eberl, J.-M., & Partheymüller, J. (2021). Die Nationalratswahl 2017 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Silberstein-Affäre. In B. Weßels, & H. Schoen (Eds.), Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017 (pp. 503-520). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Binder, A., Heiss, R., Matthes, J., & Sander, D. (2021). Dealigned but mobilized? Insights from a citizen science study on youth political engagement. Journal of Youth Studies, 24(2), 232-249. doi:10.1080/13676261.2020.1714567
- Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2021). Ernährungsbotschaften in den Medien: Persuasive Strategien und deren Wirkungen auf Kinder. In J. Godemann & T. Bartelmeß (Eds.), Ernährungskommunikation. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven – Theorien – Methoden (pp. 381-397). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-27315-6_23-1
- Binder, A., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2021). Shaping healthy eating habits in children with persuasive strategies: Toward a typology. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 676127. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.676127
- Binder, A., Noetzel, S., Spielvogel, I., & Matthes, J. (2021). "Context, please?" The effects of appearance- and health-frames and media context on body-related outcomes. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 637354. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.637354
- Bowman, N. D., Lin, J.-H. T., & Koban, K. (2021). Demanding on many dimensions: Validating the interactivity-as-demand measurement model for VR-based video games. In TMS Proceedings 2021. Retrieved from
- Boyer, M. M. (2021). Opwindend nieuws: aantrekkelijk maar polariserend. Stuk Rood Vlees, June 2.
- Braunecker, C. (2021). (Ed.). How to do empirische Sozialforschung. Eine Gebrauchsanleitung. Wien: Facultas.
- Braunecker, C. (2021). (Ed.). How to do Statistik und SPSS. Eine Gebrauchsanleitung. Wien: Facultas.
- Burkart, R. (2021). Kommunikationswissenschaft. Grundlagen und Problemfelder einer interdisziplinären Sozialwissenschaft. 6., verbesserte und ergänzte Auflage. Wien: Böhlau/UTB.
- Burkart, R. (2021). Funktionen des politischen Journalismus. In M. Prinzing & R. Blum (Eds.), Handbuch Politischer Journalismus (pp. 117-150). Köln: Halem.
- Burkart, R. (2021). Wie ich zur PR-Forschung kam und was daraus geworden ist. In: O. Hoffjann & S. Huck-Sandhu (Eds.), UnVergessene Geschichten – PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung autobiographisch (pp. 135-164). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-34675-1_5
- Burkart, R., & Rußmann, U. (2021). Das Erregen von Misstrauen: Eine politische Public Relations-Strategie in der Wahlkampfkommunikation? Ergebnisse eines Langzeitvergleichs aus vier Jahrzehnten. In M. Magin, U. Rußmann, & B. Stark (Eds.), Demokratie braucht Medien (pp. 175-192). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-34633-1
- Dan, V., & Arendt, F. (2021). Visual cues to the hidden agenda: Investigating the effects of ideology-related visual subtle backdrop cues in political communication. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(1), 22-45. doi:10.1177/1940161220936593
- De Jans, S. Spielvogel, I., Naderer, B., & Hudders, L. (2021). Digital food marketing to children: How an influencer's lifestyle can stimulate healthy food choices among children. Appetite, 162, 105182. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2021.105182
- Dienlin, T., & Sun, Y. (2021). Does the privacy paradox exist? Comment on Yu et al.'s (2020) meta-analysis. Meta Psychology, 5. doi:10.15626/MP.2020.27.11
- Dienlin, T., Johannes, N., Bowman, N. D., Masur, P. K., Engesser, S., Kümpel, A. S., Lukito, J., Bier, L. M., Zhang, R., Johnson, B. K., Huskey, R., Schneider, F. M., Breuer, J., Parry, D. A., Vermeulen, I., Fisher, J. T., Banks, J., Weber, R., Ellis, D. A., … de Vreese, C. (2021). An agenda for open science in communication. Journal of Communication, 71(1), 1-26. doi:10.1093/joc/jqz052
- Dorer, J. (2021). Piratenradios in Österreich. Lexikon. Haus der Geschichte Österreich.
- Dorer, J. (2021). Der "Wiener Wäschekrieg". Lexikon. Haus der Geschichte Österreich.
- Dorer, J., Horak, R. & Marschik, M. (Eds.). (2021). Cultural Studies revisited. Nordlicht/Revontulet – Aufbruch in Österreich – internationale Entwicklung. Wiesbaden: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-32083-6
- Dorer, J. (2021). Cultural Studies und die feministische Medienforschung. In J. Dorer, R. Horak, & M. Marschik (Eds.), Cultural studies revisited. Nordlicht/Revontulet – Aufbruch in Österreich – internationale Entwicklung (pp. 75-84). Wiesbaden: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-32083-6_8
- Dorer, J., Horak, R., & Marschik, M. (2021). Cultural Studies at the crossroads again. In J. Dorer, R. Horak, & M. Marschik (Eds.), Cultural Studies revisited. Nordlicht/Revontulet – Aufbruch in Österreich – internationale Entwicklung (pp. 1-11). Wiesbaden: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-32083-6_1
- Duchkowitsch, W. (2021). Schlüsselthemen journalistischer Forschungen an österreichischen Universitäten. Ein kursorischer Überblick. Otázky Journalistik, 64(1/2), 4-11.
- Duchkowitsch, W. (2021). Banden, Freischärler, Hianzen. Westdeutsche Themen vor 100 Jahren. Burgenländische Heimatblätter, 3/4, 231-235.
- Eberl, J.-M., Huber, R., & Greussing, E. (2021). From populism to the 'plandemic': Why populists believe in COVID-19 conspiracies. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(sup1), 272-284. doi:10.1080/17457289.2021.1924730
- Eberl, J.-M., & Galyga, S. (2021). Mapping media coverage of migration in/to Europe. In J. Strömbäck, C. E. Meltzer, J.-M. Eberl, H. G. Boomgaarden, & C. Schemer (Eds.), Media and public attitudes toward migration in/to Europe. A comparative approach (pp. 105-122). London: Routledge.
- Eberl, J.-M., & Meltzer, C. E. (2021). How media coverage affects readers' attitudes towards immigration. In J. Strömbäck, C. E. Meltzer, J.-M. Eberl, H. G. Boomgaarden, & C. Schemer (Eds.), Media and public attitudes toward migration in/to Europe. A comparative approach (pp. 159-173). London: Routledge.
- Egelhofer, J. L., Aaldering, L., & Lecheler, S. (2021). Delegitimizing the media? Analyzing politicians' media criticism on social media. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(5), 653-675. doi:10.1075/jlp.20081.ege
- Einwiller, S., Sackmann, S. A., & Zerfaß, A. (Eds.) (2021). Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Einwiller, S., Sackmann, S. A., & Zerfaß, A. (2021). Mitarbeiterkommunikation: Gegenstand, Bereiche und Entwicklungen. In S. Einwiller, S. A. Sackmann, & A. Zerfaß (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen (pp. 3-26). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Einwiller, S., & Wolfgruber, D. (2021). Unternehmensinterne Kommunikation zu Diversity & Inklusion: Wie Kommunikation einen inklusiven Arbeitsplatz fördern kann. Kommunikationsmanager, 3, 64-66.
- Egelhofer, J. L. (2021). Fake News. In D. Ranan (Ed.), Sprachgewalt. Missbrauchte Wörter und andere politische Kampfbegriffe (pp. 15-30). Bonn: Dietz-Verlag.
- Einwiller, S., Ruppel, C., & Stranzl, J. (2021). Achieving employee support during the COVID-19 pandemic – The role of relational and informational crisis communication in Austrian organizations. Journal of Communication Management, 25(3), 233-255. doi:10.1108/JCOM-10-2020-0107
- Forrai, M., Mestas, M., & Arendt, F. (2021). COVID-19-Impfung, ORF und Servus TV: Zur Korrespondenzbeziehung zwischen der Rezeption von Nachrichten-Kommentaren und der Impfbereitschaft. Medien Journal, 45(2), 21-34. doi:10.24989/medienjournal.v45i2.2024
- Freiling, I., Krause, N. M., Scheufele, D. A., & Chen, K. (2021). The science of open (communication) science: Toward an evidence-driven understanding of quality criteria in communication research. Journal of Communication, 71(5), 686-714. doi:10.1093/joc/jqab032
- Freiling, I., & Waldherr, A. (2021). Why trusting whom? Motivated reasoning and trust in the process of information evaluation. In B. Blöbaum (Ed.), Trust and communication: Findings and implications of trust research (pp. 83-97). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72945-5_4
- Geise, S., & Waldherr, A. (2021). Computational communication science: Lessons from working group sessions with experts of an emerging research field. In U. Engel, A. Quan-Haase, S. X. Liu, & L. Lyberg (Eds.), Handbook of computational social science (pp. 66-82), 1. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003024583
- Gouma, A., & Dorer, J. (2021). Intersektionalität als (neues) Paradigma in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Entwicklung und empirische Befunde. medien & zeit, 35(2), 5-13.
- Goutier, N., de Haan, Y., de Bruin, K., Lecheler, S., & Kruikemeier, S. (2021). From "cool observer" to "emotional participant": The practice of immersive journalism. Journalism Studies, 22(12), 1648-1664. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2021.1956364
- Grimm, J. (2021). "Rechte" und "linke" Gewalt in den Medien. Wirkungen auf das Publikum. Ist was. Medien und Journalismus in Zeiten der neuen Rechten, 35-58.
- Gruber, M., Eberl, J.-M., Lind, F., & Boomgaarden H. G. (2021). Qualitative interviews with irregular migrants in times of COVID-19: Recourse to remote interview techniques as a possible methodological adjustment. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 22(1), Article 7. doi:10.17169/fqs-22.1.3563
- Götzenbrucker, G., & Köhl, M. (2021)."You can tell that we all like each other, right?" Perspectives of togetherness in adolescents' photographs in urban Austria, Malaysia and Vietnam. In R. Breckner, K. Liebhart, & M. Pohn-Laugass, M. (Eds.), Sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen von Bild- und Medienwelten (pp. 79-105). Oldenbourg: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Götzenbrucker, G., Schwarz, V., & Kayali, F. (2021). Youth and interculturality in Vienna. Gaming intervention in intercultural contexts – two project cases. In G. Knapp, & H. Krall (Eds.), Youth Cultures in a Globalized World. Developments, Analyses and Perspectives (pp. 207-224). Wiesbaden: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-65177-0_13
- Götzenbrucker, G. (2021). Krämer, Benjamin. How to do things with the Internet. Handlungstheorie online. Publizistik, 66, 333-395. doi:10.1007/s11616-021-00658-z
- Hagelstein, J., Einwiller, S., & Zerfaß, A. (2021). The ethical dimension of public relations in Europe: Digital channels, moral challenges, resources, and training. Public Relations Review, 47(4), Article 102063. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2021.102063
- Haggadone, B. A., Banks, J., & Koban, K. (2021). Of robots and robotkind: Extending intergroup contact theory to social machines. Communication Research Reports, 38(7), 161-171. doi:10.1080/08824096.2021.1909551
- Hameleers, M., Schmuck, D., Schulz, A., Wirz, D. S., Matthes, J., Bos, L., Corbu, N., & Andreadis, I. (2021). The effects of populist identity framing on populist attitudes across Europe: Evidence from a 15-country comparative experiment. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(3), 491-510. doi:10.1093/ijpor/edaa018
- Hanusch, F., & Banjac, S. (2021). Do journalists share universal values? In S. Ward (Ed.), Handbook of Global Media Ethics (pp.71-90). Basel: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32103-5_5
- Hanusch, F., & Maares, P. (2021). News production. In K. Bruhn Jensen (Ed.), A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies (pp. 93-111). London, UK: Routledge.
- Hausjell, F. (2021). Unter Fleisch- und Weißmann. Statement. Österreichs Medienmagazin, September/Oktober, 6.
- Hausjell, F. (2021). Kurzsichtiger Journalismus. Statement. Österreichs Medienmagazin, September/Oktober, 14.
- Heidenreich, T., & Eberl, J.-M. (2021). Migration in politicians' social media accounts. In J. Strömbäck, C. E. Meltzer, J.-M. Eberl, H. G. Boomgaarden, & C. Schemer (Eds.), Media and public attitudes toward migration in/to Europe. A comparative approach (pp. 140-156). London: Routledge.
- Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2021). Funny cats and politics. Do humorous context posts impede or foster the elaboration of news posts on social media? Communication Research, 48(1), 100-124. doi:10.1177%2F0093650219826006
- Heiss, R., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2021). Healthwashing in high-sugar food advertising: The effect of prior information on healthwashing perceptions in Austria. Health Promotion International, 36(4), 1029-1038. doi:10.1093/heapro/daaa086
- Heiss, R., Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Eicher, C. (2021). Citizen science in schools: Predictors and outcomes of participating in voluntary political research. SAGE Open, 11(4). doi:10.1177/21582440211016428
- Huber, B., & Aichberger, I. (2021). Sustainability as reference in daily news coverage. In F. Weder, L. Krainer, & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The Sustainability Communication Reader (pp. 245-260). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
- Huber, B., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2021). Soziale Medien und Vertrauen in Wissenschaft. Befunde aus einer Befragung in 20 Ländern. In J. Milde, I. Vogel, & M. Dern (Eds.), Intention und Rezeption von Wissenschaftskommunikation (pp. 157-176). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Huber, B., & Schroll, C. (2021). Inzivilität und Rationalität in Online-Diskussionen zu COVID-19. MedienJournal, 45(2), 6-20. doi:10.24989/medienjournal.v45i2.1986
- Huber, B., Goyanes, M., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2021). Linking extraversion to collective and individual forms of political participation: The mediating role of political discussion. Social Science Quarterly, 102(4), 1289-1310. doi:10.1111/ssqu.12978
- Kittel, B., Kritzinger, S., Boomgaarden, H., Prainsack, B., Eberl, J.-M., Kalleitner, F.,… & Schlogl, L. (2020). The Austrian Corona Panel Project: Monitoring individual and societal dynamics amidst the COVID-19 crisis. European Political Science, 20, 318-344. doi:10.1057/s41304-020-00294-7
- Koban, K. & Bowman, N. D. (2021). Further validation and cross-cultural replication of the video game demand scale. Journal of Media Psychology, 33(1), 39-48. doi:10.1027/1864-1105/a000280
- Koban, K., Haggadone, B. A., & Banks, J. (2021). The observant android. Limited social facilitation and inhibition from a co-present social robot. Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 2(3). doi:10.1037/tmb0000049
- Koban, K., Rumi, M., Pöschl, M., & Ohler, P. (2021). Seeing characters in a different light. Psychological consequences of actor-character mismatches for viewers' involvement in fictitious characters. Psychology of Popular Media, 10(3), 393-405. doi:10.1037/ppm0000340
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). The future of cultural policies by Philippe Kern. Journal of Digital Media and Culture, 12(3), 534-536. doi:10.1386/jdmp_00082_5
- Kolokytha O. (2021) Developing texts for animated opera: A unique case study. In S. Taylor & C. Batty (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of script development (pp. 545-555). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-82234-7_37
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). Cultural diplomacy in Greece during the crisis. A critical overview. In D. Kizlari, & M. Shehade (Eds.), Cultural diplomacy: Contemporary approaches, future challenges (pp. 53-68). Athens: Epikentro (in Greek).
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). Transmedia, opera and cultural journalism. In M. J. Martín, & B. Peña Acuña (Eds.), Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (II). Modelos transmedia para profesionales innovadores (pp. 185-196). Madrid: Universitas.
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). Book review: Hadley, S. (2021). Audience development and cultural policy. Cultural Trends. doi:10.1080/09548963.2021.1945405
- Kolokytha, O., & Rozgonyi, K. (2021). From social distancing to digital un-distancing: COVID-19 pandemic and new challenges in digital policy in the cultural and the audiovisual sector. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 12(1), 177-184. doi:10.1386/jdmp_00054_7
- Krause, N. M. & Freiling, I. (2021). Interventions against misinformation: Don’t forget motivation. Israel Public Policy Institute, February 11.
- Krause, N. M., Scheufele, D. A., Freiling, I., & Brossard, D. (2021). The trust fallacy: Scientists' search for public pathologies is unhealthy, unhelpful, and ultimately unscientific. American Scientist, 109(4), 226-231. doi:10.1511/2021.109.4.226
- Lecheler, S., & Egelhofer, J. L. (2021). Consumption of misinformation and disinformation. In H. Tumber & S. Waisbord (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism (pp. 323-332). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003004431
- Maares, P., Banjac, S., & Hanusch, F. (2021). The labour of visual authenticity on social media: Exploring producers' and audiences' perceptions on Instagram. Poetics, 84, 101502. doi:10.1016/j.poetic.2020.101502
- Maier, D., Stoltenberg, D., Pfetsch, B., & Waldherr, A. (2021). Talking to my community elsewhere: Bringing together networked public spheres and the concept of translocal communities. In A. Million, C. Haid, I. Castillo Ulloa, & N. Baur (Eds.), Spatial transformations: Kaleidoscopic perspectives on the refiguration of spaces (pp. 181-191). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003036159-17
- Markiewitz, A., Arendt, F., & Scherr, S. (2021). Verantwortungsvolle Berichterstattung über Suizide: Forschungsüberblick und Empfehlungen für die journalistische Praxis. Medien Journal, 44(3), 50-68.
- Matthes, J., Marquart, F., & von Sikorski, C. (2021). Likeminded and cross-cutting talk, network characteristics, and political participation online- and offline: A panel study. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 46(1), 113-126. doi:10.1515/commun-2020-2080
- Matthes, J., Thomas, M. F., Stevic, A., & Schmuck, D. (2021). Fighting over smartphones? Parents' excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children's use, and conflict. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 106618. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2020.106618
- Matthes, J., Koban, K., Neureiter, A., & Stevic, A. (2021). Longitudinal relationships among fear of COVID-19, smartphone online self-disclosure, happiness, and psychological well-being: Survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(9), e28700. doi:10.2196/28700
- Mayrhofer, M., & Matthes, J. (2021). Laughing about a health risk? Alcohol in comedy series and its connection to humor. Psychology of Popular Media, 10(1), 59-73. doi:10.1037/ppm0000267
- Mazzei, A., Ravazzani, S., & Wolfgruber, D. (2021). Whistleblowing in Organisationen: Wenn Mitarbeitende auf Missstände aufmerksam machen. In S. Einwiller, S. A. Sackmann, & A. Zerfaß (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen (pp. 487-500). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Meltzer, C. E., Eberl, J.-M., Theorin, N., Heidenreich, T., Strömbäck, J., Boomgaarden, H. G., & Schemer, C. (2020). Media effects on policy preferences toward free movement: Evidence from five EU member states. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(15), 3390-3408. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1778454
- Naderer, B., Matthes, J., & Bintinger, S. (2021). It is just a spoof: Spoof placements and their impact on conceptual persuasion knowledge, brand memory, and brand evaluation. International Journal of Advertising, 40(1), 106-123. doi:10.1080/02650487.2020.1793632
- Naderer, B., Matthes, J., & Schäfer, S. (2021). Effects of disclosing ads on Instagram: The moderating impact of similarity to the influencer. International Journal of Advertising, 40(5), 686-707. doi:10.1080/02650487.2021.1930939
- Neureiter, A., Stubenvoll, M., Kaskeleviciute, R., & Matthes, J. (2021). Trust in science, perceived media exaggeration about COVID-19, and social distancing behavior. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 670485. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.670485
- Nieland, J.-U., & Nölleke, D. (2021). Pandemic. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sport Management (pp. 350-351). Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Ninova-Solovykh, N., & Einwiller, S. (2021). Mitarbeitende als Botschafter von Unternehmen. In S. Einwiller, S. A. Sackmannm & A. Zerfaß (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen (pp. 463-486). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Nölleke, D., & Nieland, J.-U. (2021). Journalism. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sport Management (pp. 272-273). Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Nölleke, D., Scheu, A., & Birkner, T. (2021). The other side of mediatization: Expanding the concept towards defensive strategies. Communication Theory, 31(4), 737-757.
- Paul, K. T., Eberl, J.-M., & Partheymüller, J. (2021). Policy-relevant attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccination: Associations with demography, health risk, and social and political factors. Frontiers in Public Health, 9.
Published online: 06/07/21
- Pfetsch, B., Maier, D., Stoltenberg, D., Waldherr, A., Kligler-Vilenchik, N., de Vries, M. (2021). Topographies of local public spheres on social media. International Journal of Communication, 15, 3645-3670.
- Plescia, C., Kritzinger, S., & Eberl, J.-M. (2021). 'The enemy within': Campaign attention and motivated reasoning in voter perceptions of intra-party conflict. Party Politics, 27(5), 917-927.
Published online: 01/03/20
- Righetti, N. (2021). The impact of politicization of health on online misinformation and quality information on vaccines. Italian Sociological Review, 11(2), 443-466.
- Righetti, N. (2021). Four years of fake news. A quantitative analysis of the scientific literature. First Monday, 26(6).
- Rossi, L., Righetti, N., & Marino, G. (2021). (Nearly) ten years of social media and political elections in Italy: Questions, platforms, and methods. Social Media + Society, 7(4). doi:10.1177/20563051211063460
- Rossmann, C., Reinhardt, A., & Weber, W. (2021). Determinanten der coronabezogenen Schutzbereitschaft bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland. Trillium Immunologie, 5(4), 242-245.
- Rozgonyi, K. (2021). Education for social change: The potentials of participatory teaching and learning with students in media and communication education. Journalism Education, 10(1), 19-33.
- Rozgonyi, K., & Broughton Micova, S. (Eds.). (2021). The changing face of the EU's audiovisual media policy. Special Issue: Journal of Digital Media & Policy.
- Rozgonyi, K., & Broughton Micova, S. (2021). Editorial. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 12(3), 337-344.
- Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2021). Pleasant hostility: Disidentified consumers' emotional and behavioural reactions to a brand crisis. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(1), 186-200. doi:10.1002/cb.1866
- Saumer, M., Stubenvoll, M., & Matthes, J. (2021). Effects of threatening government communication about COVID-19 on health protection measures. MedienJournal, 45(3), 16-30. doi:10.24989/medienjournal.v45i3.2038
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Published online: 12/12/20
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