Das Institut richtet seit mehr als zehn Jahren jedes Semester die Research Talks aus, im Zuge derer interne Kolleg*innen sowie nationale und internationale Forscher*innen unserer Fachrichtung ihre aktuelle Arbeit vorstellen. Die Research Talks werden von Dana Grohs organisiert und finden in der Regel im Institutsgebäude Währinger Straße 29 statt.
Im Sommersemester 2024 können wir Christian Baden (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Anja Bechmann (Aarhus University, Dänemark) und Lars Willnat (Syracuse University, USA) als externe Vortragende begrüßen. Zudem wird unsere Kollegin Katharine Sarikakis Einblicke in ihre derzeitige Forschung geben.
Das Poster für die Veranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2024 ist hier abrufbar.
In den vergangenen Semestern hatten wir bereits einige international renommierte Kolleg*innen zu Gast, die Präsentationen zu unterschiedlichsten Themen und Forschungsbereichen gehalten haben. Eine Auswahl an Gastvortragenden und Vortragstiteln finden Sie – alphabetisch gelistet – untenstehend.
- Erik Albæk (2017)
University of Southern Denmark, Dänemark
Balanced News? Danish Media Coverage of Domestic and Foreign Election Campaigns
- Anne Bartsch (2017)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Deutschland
Entertainment and Politics Revisited. How Non-Escapist Forms of Entertainment Can Stimulate Political Interest and Information Seeking
- Christian Baden (2024)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Digital Affordances for Social Movements: An Actor Group-Centric, Intermediate-Level Approach
- Anja Bechmann (2024)
Aarhus University, Denmark
The Dark Landscape of Social Media Exposure and Engagement Across National Populations in Times of Crises
- Jay Blumler (2019)
University of Leeds, UK
As it was in Analogue Days: The Relevance of Legacy Research
- Andrew Chadwick (2016)
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
The Hybrid Media System Approach to Political Communication: Power, Systems, and Media Logics
- Lilie Chouliaraki (2017)
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Refugees and the Crisis of Responsibility
- Chang Dae Run (2017)
Yonsei University, Südkorea
Two Studies on Mediating Factors of Consumer Reaction to Personal Transgressions by Celebrities
- Márton Demeter (2021)
National University of Public Service Budapest, Ungarn
The Internationalisation of Communication and Media Studies: Vision, Reality and the Ideal Process
- Daniela Dimitrova (2020 | 2022 mit Folker Hanusch)
Iowa State University, USA
(2020) Global Migration and the Role of Media and Civil Society (2020)
(2022) Challenges and Opportunities for Internationalization of Academic Journals: Editors' Views
(2024) Challenges and Opportunities in Research on Refugee Communications
- Robert Entman (2016)
The George Washington University, USA
Why Benghazi and Not 9/11? Explaining Foreign Policy Scandals and Their Implications
- Natali Helberger (2019)
University of Amsterdam, Niederlande
News Recommenders: Threat and Opportunity to the Democratic Role of the Media
- Christine Huang (2021)
City University of Hong Kong
Multi-Faceted Engagement and Emergency Response
- Elly Konijn (2024)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Role of Emotions in Understanding Effects of Mediated Communication
- Sanne Kruikemeier (2022)
Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Niederlande
Hunting for Voters?
- Tim Kuhn (2022)
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
What Are Corporations For? Developing a Theory of the Firm for Communicative Capitalism
- Dan Laufer (2017 | 2023)
Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland
(2017) Regulatory Fit and Crisis Communications: Beneficial or Harmful?
(2023) Guilty by Association: The Risk of Crisis Contagion
- Felicia Löcherbach (2024)
New York University, Center for Social Media and Politics
Who Gets Diverse News in an AI Age – And How do We Study This?
- Irene Neverla (2017)
Universität Hamburg, Deutschland
Journalism in the "Times of Cholera": The Crisis of Democracies and the Roles of Journalism
- Robin Mansell (2019)
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Governing the Digital World: The Moral Limit of the Market
- Matt Nisbet (mit Mike Schäfer) (2016)
Northeastern University, USA
Media Representations of Climate Change: What do we know and where are we headed
- Mike Schäfer (mit Matt Nisbet) (2016)
Universität Zürich, Schweiz
Media Representations of Climate Change: What do we know and where are we headed
- Christina Peter (2018)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Deutschland
Ordinary Citizens in the News – Depiction, Perception and Effects of Citizens Voices in News Coverage
- Julia Rohrer (2023)
Universität Leipzig, Deutschland
Less Casual Causal Inference for Experiments and Longitudinal Data
- Dietram Scheufele (2020)
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
A Perfect Storm? Communication Science in an Age of Polarization, Misinformation, and Changing Media Environments
- Klaus Schönbach (2017)
Northwestern University in Qatar, Qatar
Media and Communication Research in the Middle East and North Africa
- Annika Sehl (2023)
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Public Service Media under Pressure: Challenges and Opportunities of a Societal Institution in Times of Media and Social Change
- Stuart Soroka (2016)
University of Michigan, USA
Negative News, in Traditional vs Social Media
- Jesper Strömbäck (2016)
University of Gothenburg, Schweden
Changing Media Environments, Changing Democracies
- Ye Sun (2022)
City University of Hong Kong
How Scientific is Communication Science? Metascience as a Mirror
- Jiro Takai (2021)
Nagoya University, Japan
Questioning Western Hegemony in Communication Research from an Asian Perspective
- Yariv Tsfati (2018)
University of Haifa, Israel
Deciphering Media Trust: A Review of the Central Conundrums and Suggestions for Future Research
- Cristian Vaccari (2022)
Loughborough University, UK
Visual Misinformation in Global Perspective
- Ariadne Vromen (2018)
University of Sydney, Australien
Digital Crowds: New Developments in Citizen-Led Campaigning and Politics
- Herman Wasserman (2018)
University of Cape Town, Südafrika
South African Media After Apartheid: Local Contests, Global Shifts
- René Weber (2017)
University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Taking Messages into the Magnet: Method-Theory Synergy in Media Neuroscience Research
- Chris Wells (2018)
Boston University, USA
Political Communication in an Attention Economy: Lessons from Election 2016
- Lars Willnat (2024)
Syracuse University, USA
Media Polarization, Public Opinion, and the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election