• Beelen, E., & Karsay, K. (2025, June 12-16). Helpful, harmful, or unnecessary? An experimental study on the effectiveness of online trigger warnings [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Bührer, S., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). When digital hate perpetrators feel threatened & victimized: Moral disengagement mechanisms in immigration-related online incivility and intolerance in Europe [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Bührer, S., Koban, K., Hirsch, M., & Matthes, J. (2025, Jun 12-16). Approval mechanisms fueling digital hate perpetration: A four-country moderated mediation model of incivility and intolerance [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Einwiller, S., Hagelstein, J., & Wahl, I. (2025, June 12-16). Corporate reporting about diversity, equity, and inclusion: Comparing Germanic Europe, North America, and Latin America [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Forrai, M., Balaban, D. C., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Real or fake? How disclosures and literacy shape recognition of AI-generated influencers and impact well-being [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Garusi, D. (2025, June 12-16). Local journalists' and local inhabitants' mutual trust: A processual approach [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Garusi, D., Juarez Miro, C., & Hanusch, F. (2025, June 12-16). Local journalists and the construction of social identities. A phenomenological approach [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Garusi, D., & Leonhardt, B. (2025, June 12-16). Constructive journalists' trust-building strategies: A comparative study of six European countries [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Hanusch, F., Juarez Miro, C., & Banjac, S. (2025, June 12-16). Audience expectations of diverse forms of journalism across media systems [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Harff, D., Sylamianakis, O., Hameleers, M., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). How populist messages influence (non-)normative collective action intentions: A social identity approach [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Harff, D., Van Houtven, E., Dekoninck, H., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Adolescents' trust in political content from influencers: The roles of motive attribution and parental mediation [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Hokamp, D., Lecheler, S., & Hanusch, F. (2025, June 12-16). The role of emotional capital in politicians' campaign communication [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Jansová, I., Waschková Císařová, L., Kluknavská, A., Haberl, M., Hokamp, D., Hanusch, F., & Lecheler, S. (2025, June 12-16). Gender, influence, and the emotional underpinnings of journalist-politician interactions [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Johann, M., Hagelstein, J., & Ziegele, D. (2025, June 12-16). Image transfers and gender effects in startup communication: How founders shape corporate perceptions [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Kaňková, J., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). It's true, but still harmful: Examining the effects of overgeneralized health messages by social media influencers [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Kaňková, J., Vranken, S., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). A double-edged sword: Exploring associations between engagement with mental health content by social media influencers and psychological well-being [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Khaleghipour, M., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). It hurts, and we stand alone: A qualitative study on digital hate targeting scholars [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Kirchmair, T., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Annotation in action: Experimental perspectives on perceiving and labeling digital hate across four countries [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Klesl, M., Harff, D. & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Tradition meets innovation: Youth news consumption in the era of novel curating actors as news providers [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Klesl, M., Liebenwein, C., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). "I trust the news media – and anyone who agrees with me": Adolescents' political information consumption and trust in social media sources [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Koban, K., & Saumer, M. (2025, June 12-16). "What are you looking at?!?" An eye-tracking experiment on anti-LGBTQIA+ online hostility under prototypical mobile information consumption conditions [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Koban, K. (2025, June 12-16). When digital connectivity drivers meet digital disconnection: A cross-national study on habitual and compulsive smartphone checking, feature-based and rule-based digital disconnection strategies, and digital stress experience [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Konings, F., Vandenbosch, L., Fitzgerald, K., Fardouly, J., Beelen, E., Tabruyn, T., Karsay, K., & Maes, C. (2025, June 12-16). Adolescents' sexualized self-presentations on social media: A cross-national data donation study [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Leonhardt, B. (2025, June 12-16). A matter of negotiation: Value patterns and negotiation strategies among Austrian journalists [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Leonhardt, B., & Garusi, D. (2025, June 12-16). Constructive journalism across Europe: Journalistic role perceptions and negotiations in six countries [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Lissens, M., Waeterloos, C., Schmuck, D., & Van Aelst, P. (2025, June 12-16). Beyond legacy media: Who offers learning opportunities for political current affairs knowledge on social media and for whom? [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Lissens, M., Waeterloos, C., Vandenbosch, L., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Trending topics, growing knowledge? How curating actors' political social media content affects youth's political knowledge [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Löhmann, K., & Maares, P. (2025, June 12-16). Activists for diversity or diverse journalists? How alternative peripheral journalistic actors use role orientations as a boundary marker [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Löhmann, K., Maares, P., Nölleke, D., & Hanusch, F. (2025, June 12-16). What is journalism? Traditional, peripheral and audience perspectives on journalistic authority in Austria [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Matthes, J., Nguyen, G., Koban, K., Meerson, R., Khaleghipour, M., Garner, D., Bührer, S., & Kirchmair, T. (2025, June 12-16). Discoursive consequences of social media hostility: Chilling effects, avoidance, and intervention behaviors of emerging adults in the U.S. and Indonesia [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Matthieu, J., Jacobs, L., Lissens, M., Hermans, B., Opgenhaffen, M., Van Campenhout, M., Waeterloos, C., Schmuck, D., Walgrave, S., & Van Aelst, P. (2025, June 12-16). What determines political knowledge? Different drivers for distinct political knowledge in the digital age [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Meerson, R., Koban, K., Hirsch, M., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). From awareness to action: A four-country study on what enables social media users to counter digital hate [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Meerson, R., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Head over heart? Cross-national evidence on how social norms spark action against digital hate despite emotional desensitization [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Nassen, L.-M., Halfmann, A., & Karsay, K. (2025, June 12-16). Measuring motivations for social media disconnection: Development and validation of the MSMD scale [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Nassen, L.-M., & Karsay, K. (2025, June 12-16). Nuanced mobile disconnection: Exploring the adoption and effectiveness of digital well-being tools [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Neureiter, A., Binder, A., Mucundorfeanu, M., Balaban, D., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Facing the climate crisis: Environmental SMIs, perceived polarization, hopelessness, and collective environmental action intentions in youth [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Neureiter, A., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Greenwashing, green confusion, and support for green advertising regulations: A multi-country study [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Nölleke, D., Maares, P., Löhmann, K., & Hanusch, F. (2025, June 12-16). Professional norms as boundary markers in sports journalism [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Perreault, G., Donauer, M., & Hanusch, F. (2025, June 12-16). A missed opportunity? How lifestyle journalists think about inclusion in their work [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Saumer, M., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Fantastic bystanders and where to find them: Do emotions fuel (in)direct interventions when bystanders face online anti-LGBTQIA+ hostility? [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Schmuck, D., Obermaier, M., Molina-Rogers, N., & Saleem, M. (2025, June 12-16). Turning words into action: The impact of online hate speech, counter-Speech, and accuracy on minorities' collective action intentions [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Spielvogel, I., Koban, K., Juricek, S., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Same same but (very) different? A mixed-method approach on security-related news consumption on traditional and social media and its relation to negative emotional responses and feelings of (in)security [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Stehle, H., Kanngießer, S., Lührmann, J., Uth, B., & Görland, S. (2025, June 12-16). Communicating the energy transition in Germany – Enablers and barriers at local and national level [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Uth, B., Ötting, H., Eichler, H. & Kokoschka, V. (2025, June 12-16). Debate spaces audiences actually want? A case study of the public spaces incubator [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Van Houtven, E., Dekoninck, H., Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Behind the screens: A collaborative citizen science study on adolescents' exposure to socio-political content via social media influencers [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Vranken, S., Geusens, F., Greene, K., & Beullens, K. (2025, June 12-16). Changing adolescents' cigarette and e-cigarette cognitions via a media literacy-based active involvement intervention: A quasi-experimental study [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Vranken, S., Geusens, F., Christiaens, C., Greene, K., & Beullens, K. (2025, June 12-16). "Don't vape, nobody uses these poisonous sticks": A content analysis of adolescents' self-developed anti-smoking campaigns [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Wehden, L.-O., Uth, B., von den Driesch, L., & Springer, N. (2025, June 12-16). Exploring new means of source transparency: Footnote journalism's effects on credibility and news engagement [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Weiss, P., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Gendered responses to far-right content: The roles of sexism and communicator gender [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Weiss, P., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June 12-16). Mainstreaming far-right ideology: How communicator style and sexist attitudes shape social media users' perceptions [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Wölfle, A., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Gender stereotypes of warmth and competence in AI-generated ratings, stories, and images [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Wölfle, A., & Schmuck, D. (2025, June 12-16). Young people's use, trust, and bias perception of different news sources regarding the Middle-Eastern conflict [Paper presentation]. 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.
  • Neureiter, A., Kaskeleviciute, R., Schmandt, K., Binder, A., Bin Ahmad, M., Chuenterawong, P., Jang, J. & Matthes, J. (2025, June 11). How online engagement with greenfluencers sparks environmental radicalization: An eight-country study [Paper presentation] . ICA Pre-Conference "Social Media Radicalization: Definitions, Theories, Methods", Denver, CO, USA.
  • Kirchmair, T., Koban, K., Baumann, A., & Matthes, J. (2025, April 24-26). Multidimensional differences of digital hate between YouTube's and TikTok's comment sections [Paper presentation]. 7th annual COMPTEXT conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • Haberl, M. (2025, March 19-21). Professionell verhabert? Journalistische Beziehungen zwischen "On" und "Off"  [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Haberl, M., & Pont, U. (2025, March 19-21). Wissens-Werte(s) über thermischen Komfort [Poster presentation]. Annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Hokamp, D. (2025, March 19-21). Kurz emotional: Österreichische Politiker*innen und ihr emotionales Kapital [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Hokamp, D. (2025, March 19-21). Wenn die Emotionen wählen: Geteilte Gefühle und Werte unter und zwischen Politikern [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Kannengießer, S., Stehle, H., Uth, B., Hausmann, H., & Lührmann, J. (2025, March 19-21). Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Akteur*innen der Energiewende [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Von Garmissen, A., Hanusch, F., Loosen, W., & Riedl, A. (2025, March 19-21). Die transformative Kraft der journalistischen Peripherie: Eine vergleichende Analyse von Rand- und Kernbereichen im Berufsfeld Journalismus [Paper presentation]. Annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Matthes, J. (2025, March 14). The digital hydra. Why is it so hard to combat digital hate? [Invited talk] Media@Sydney Talk series of the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
  • Matthes, J. (2025, March 14). Cracking the code: How to get accepted in academic journals [Invited talk]. School of Journalism and Communication, Shandong University, China (online presentation).
  • Dienlin, T. (2025, March 10). Children in the digital age: Navigating the new normal [Invited talk]. OECD Workshop "New Perspectives on Childhood Expert Meeting", Luxembourg.
  • Matthes, J. (2025, February 6). Communicating sustainability: Opportunities and pitfalls [Invited keynote]. 4th Conference on Management and Communication (ICMC), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
  • Beelen, E., Beullens, K., & Karsay, K. (2025, February 3-4). Empathy and lived experiences: Investigating the effects of mental health content on Instagram [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Dekoninck, H., Boerman, S., & Schmuck, D. (2025, February 3-4). Cold facts on the influencer hotline: A digital field experiment investigating hot and cold processing of greenfluencer content [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Harff, D., Van Houtven, E., Dekoninck, H., & Schmuck, D. (2025, February 3-4). Adolescents' trust in political content from influencers: The roles of motive attribution and parental mediation [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Lissens, M., Waeterloos, C., Schmuck, D., Vandenbosch, L., & Van Aelst, P. (2025, February 3-4). Trending topics, growing knowledge? How curating actors' political social media content affects youth's political knowledge [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Nassen, L.-M., Halfmann, A., & Karsay, K. (2025, February 3-4). Reasons to unplug: Development and validation of a scale to assess motivations for social media disconnection [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Van Houtven, E., Dekoninck, H., Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2025, February 3-4). Behind the screens: A collaborative citizen science study on adolescents' exposure to socio political content via social media influencers [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Vranken, S. (2025, February 3-4). Bridging science and society: Writing for societal impact [Invited talk]. Young Scholar Network at the Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Vranken, S., Tallving, O., Matthes, J., & Beullens, K. (2025, February 3-4). "TikTok on the clock, but the risks don't shock": A content analysis of vaping on TikTok [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Waeterloos, C., Lissens, M., & Schmuck, D. (2025, February 3-4). I (think) I know enough to participate! Relationships between exposure to political content on social media, political knowledge, and participation [Paper presentation]. Etmaal 2025 Conference, Bruges, Belgium.