Helena Knupfer Bakk. BSc MSc MA
Researcher (Predoc)
Währinger Straße 29 (R. 3.37), 1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-493 12
M: helena.knupfer@univie.ac.at
Web: Advertising & Media Psychology Research Group (AdMe)
Consultation: Based upon prior agreement
➥ Media psychology
➥ Media effects
➥ Intergroup relations and terrorism
➥ Quantitative methods
Helena Knupfer is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna since October 2020. Before that, she was working at the department as a teaching assistant within our research group (2017–2020).
Helena studied Journalism and Communication Science at the University of Vienna (MA, 2020) as well as Psychology at the Department of Psychology (University of Vienna, MSc, 2022; Focus: Clinical and Health Psychology). She holds a BSc in Psychology and a BA (Bakk.) in Journalism and Communication Science (University of Vienna, 2016). Helena's dissertation investigates media content and effects of news coverage of far-right violence and terrorism. Further research interests include sustainability, political communication and media psychology.