Univ.-Prof. Hajo Boomgaarden, PhD

Professor of Methods in the Social Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Kolingasse 14-16 (R. 06.45), 1090 Vienna

✆  +43-1-4277-49905
✉  hajo.boomgaarden@univie.ac.at

Web: Computational Communication Science Lab

Personal Website: Hajo G. Boomgaarden

– MEDem • BMBWF (2022-2024)

OPTED • Horizon 2020 Program (2020-2023)

ySKILLS • Horizon 2020 Program (2020-2023)

Knowledge Resistance • Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (2019-2024)

Books on Screen • Austrian Science Fund, FWF (2019-2022)

MIRROR • Horizon 2020 Program (2019-2022)

REMINDER • Horizon 2020 Program (2017-2020)

➥  Analysis of (news) media coverage and its effects on political cognitions, attitudes and behavior
➥  Methodological advances of content analysis techniques
➥  Media, migration and right-wing populist parties
➥  European integration
➥  Public opinion and media coverage

Hajo Boomgaarden is Professor of Methods in the Social Sciences with a focus on Text Analysis at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna.

Hajo Boomgaarden (*1977) received his PhD in Communication Science from the University of Amsterdam in 2007. He then held positions as Assistant (2007-2011) and Associate Professor for Political Communication (2011-2014) at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research and the Department of Communication at the University of Amsterdam. Over the years he was visiting scholar at Emory University and University of Technology, Sydney. In 2012/2013 he was a fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Much of his work revolves around the analysis of (news) media coverage and its effects on political cognitions, attitudes and behaviour. He has co-authored more than 40 articles in international journals and numerous book chapters. In his new position Hajo Boomgaarden deals with further advancements of computerized methods of text analysis and multimedia analysis, in addition to his ongoing work on political communication.

For more information please visit: www.hajoboomgaarden.com.