Conference papers

  • Wahl, I., Siegel, M., & Einwiller, S. (2023). What is published about employee communication regarding LGBT+: A scoping review of quantitative research. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 24th Annual Congress, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Ninova-Solovykh, N., Wahl, I., & Einwiller, S. (2023). A situational perspective on employee activism: Examining the role of symmetrical internal communication. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 24th Annual Congress, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Wahl, I., & Einwiller, S. (2023). Fostering employees' organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior in a diverse workforce. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual ICA Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • Wahl, I., Wolfgruber, D., & Einwiller, S. (2022). Mitigating teleworkers' perceived technological complexity and work strains through supportive team communication. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 23rd Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria.
  • Tremmel, M. & Wahl, I. (2021). Die Wahrnehmung von typischen weiblichen und männlichen Führungskräften. Paper presented at the 14th FH-Forschungsforum 2021, Wien, Austria.
  • Brugger, M. & Wahl, I. (2019). Führung bei virtueller Arbeit – Einfluss des Führungsstils beim Aufbau von Vertrauen der MitarbeiterInnen. Paper presented at the 13th FH-Forschungsforum 2019, Wiener Neustadt, Austria.
  • Brugger, M. & Wahl, I. (2017). Führung durch Kontrolle oder durch Unterstützung von MitarbeiterInnen im Homeoffice – Test des Slippery-Slope Modells im Zusammenhang mit der Führung von MitarbeiterInnen. Paper presented at the 11th FH-Forschungsforum 2017, Krems, Austria.
  • Högl, C. & Wahl, I. (2017). Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Erhebung von subjektiv wahrgenommener Diversität in Unternehmen. Paper presented at the 11th FH-Forschungsforum 2017, Krems, Austria.
  • Höllhumer, U. & Wahl, I. (2016). Der Zusammenhang zwischen kognitiver Kontrolle und gesundem Konsum. Paper presented at the 10th Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Vienna, Austria.
  • Aghamanoujkan, A. & Wahl, I. (2015). Online-Kurse für die Betreuung von qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsarbeiten. Paper presented at the 14th E-Learning Tag 2015, Graz, Austria.
  • Neuwirth, E. & Wahl, I. (2015). Evaluierung des Programmes „Mentoring für MigrantInnen“ aus Sicht der Mentees. Paper presented at the 9th Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Hagenberg, Austria.

Conferences – Oral presentations

  • Wahl, I., Stibor, R., Einwiller, S., Hagelstein, J., & Siegel, M. (2024). Associations between workplace LGB+ disclosure and discrimination, organizational LGB+ climate, job satisfaction, and mental health: A meta-analysis. 28th International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26th - 27th April, 2024.
  • Ninova-Solovykh, N., Wahl, I., & Einwiller, S. (2024). Consumers' responses to public company-directed activism: An experimental comparison of insider and outsider activism. 28th International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, Vienna, Aistria, 26th -27th April, 2024.
  • Hagelstein, J., Wahl, I., Stranzl, J., & Einwiller, S. (2024). Importance, occurrence, and effects of appreciation in the workplac: First insights from an employee survey. 28th International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26th - 27th April, 2024.
  • Wahl, I., Siegel, M., & Einwiller, S. (2023). What is published about employee communication regarding LGBT+: A scoping review of quantitative reserach. EUPRERA 24th Annual Congress, prague, Czech Republic, 20th -23rd September, 2023.
  • Ninova-Solovykh, N., Wahl, I., & Einwiller, S. (2023). A situational persperctive on employee activism: Examining the role of symmetrical intern communication. EUPRERA 24th Annual Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 20th - 23rd September, 2023.
  • Wahl, I. & Einwiller, S. (2023). Fostering employees' organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior in a diverse workforce. 73rd Annual ICA Conference, Toronto, Canada, 25th - 29th May, 2023.
  • Wahl, I., Siegel, M., & Einwiller, S. (2023). What is known about employee communication regarding LGBT+: A scoping review. 27th International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, Cranfield, UK, 3rd - 4th April, 2023.
  • Rahimi Mavi, S. R., Einwiller, S., & Wahl, I. (2023) Communication about halal products to non-muslim consumers - The role of fit and skepticism. 27th International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, Cranfield, UK, 3rd - 4th April, 2023.
  • Wahl, I., Wolfgruber, D. & Einwiller, S. (2002) Mitigating teleworkers' perceived technological complexity and work strains through supportive team communication. EUPRERA 23rd Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21st - 24th September, 2022.
  • Wahl, I. & Waldherr, K. (2021). Statistik online lehren: Förderung der Selbstmotivation in Großgruppen. 20th E-Learning Tag 2021, Graz, Austria, 22nd September, 2021. [online]
  • Tremmel, M. & Wahl, I. (2021). Die Wahrnehmung von typischen weiblichen und männlichen Führungskräften. 14th FH-Forschungsforum 2021, Vienna, Austria, 7th – 8th April, 2021. [online].
  • Kuso, S. & Wahl, I. (2020). Evaluation des Entwicklungsprozesses immersiver Lernumgebungen. 19th E-Learning Tag 2020, Graz, Austria, 23rd September, 2020. [online]
  • Wenzel, G., Walenta, C. & Wahl, I. (2019). Flexibilität und Struktur am Beispiel einer Lehrveranstaltung im Blended-Learning-Design. Higher and Professional Education Forum, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15th November, 2019.
  • Brugger, M. & Wahl, I. (2019). Führung bei virtueller Arbeit – Einfluss des Führungsstils beim Aufbau von Vertrauen der MitarbeiterInnen. 13th FH-Forschungsforum 2019, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 23th – 24th April, 2019.
  • Brugger, M. & Wahl, I. (2017). Führung durch Kontrolle oder durch Unterstützung von MitarbeiterInnen im Homeoffice – Test des Slippery-Slope Modells im Zusammenhang mit der Führung von MitarbeiterInnen. 11th FH-Forschungsforum 2017, Krems, Austria, 19th – 20th April 2017.
  • Högl, C. & Wahl, I. (2017). Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Erhebung von subjektiv wahrgenommener Diversität in Unternehmen. 11th FH-Forschungsforum 2017, Krems, Austria, 19th – 20th April 2017.
  • Wahl, I. & Kirchler, E. (2016). Assessing financial risk tolerance: How to construct a theoretically based and practical relevant instrument. 31st Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance, Klagenfurt, Austria, 25th – 26th November, 2016.
  • Höllhumer, U. & Wahl, I. (2016). Der Zusammenhang zwischen kognitiver Kontrolle und gesundem Konsum bei Entscheidungsprozessen im Lebensmittelbereich. 10th Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Vienna, Austria, 30th – 31st March, 2016.
  • Aghamanoujkan, A. & Wahl, I. (2015). Online-Kurse für die Betreuung von qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsarbeiten. 14th E-Learning Tag 2015, Graz, Austria, 16th September, 2015.
  • Neuwirth, E. & Wahl, I. (2015). Evaluierung des Programmes "Mentoring für MigrantInnen" aus Sicht der Mentees. 9th Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Hagenberg, Austria, 8th – 9th April, 2015.
  • Wahl, I. & Walenta, C. (2014). Studierendenauswahl und Studienerfolg im Fernstudium. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Vienna, Austria, 24th - 26th April, 2014.
  • Wahl, I. & Walenta, C. (2013). Studierendenauswahl und Studienerfolg im Fernstudium. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft – Sektion Empirische Bildungsforschung Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung/Kommission Bildungsorganisation Bildungsplanung Bildungsrecht, Dortmund, Germany, 24th – 27th September, 2013.
  • Wahl, I. & Walenta, C. (2013). Studierendenauswahl und Studienerfolg im Fernstudium. 16th Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Evaluation, Munich, Germany, 11th - 13th September, 2013.
  • Wahl, I., Endres, M., Kirchler, E. & Boeck, B. (2011). Voluntary and enforced cooperation in social dilemma situations: Transferring the "slippery slope framework" to the public transport system. European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 12th – 16th July, 2011.
  • Pollai, M., Wahl, I. & Kirchler, E. (2011). Antecedents of unemployed persons’ difficulties to jointly defend their interests: Identification with one's own social category. Conference of the International Association of Research in Economic Psychology/Society of Advances in Behavioral Economics/International Confederation for the Advancement in Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology Conference, Exeter, United Kingdom, 12th – 16th July, 2011.
  • Wahl, I., Endres, M., Kirchler, E. & Boeck, B. (2010). Voluntary and enforced cooperation in social dilemma situations: Transferring the "slippery slope framework" to the public transport system. 35th Annual Congress of the International Association for Economic Psychology, Cologne, Germany, 5th – 8th September, 2010.
  • Wahl, I., Kastlunger, B. & Kirchler, E. (2010). The impact of trust and power on tax compliance. Hans Böckler Stiftung & Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin – Workshop an der Universität Potsdam, Fakultät für Ökonomie und Sozialwissenschaften. Potsdam, Germany, 14th – 16th April, 2010.
  • Kirchler, E., Kastlunger, B., Muehlbacher, S. & Wahl, I. (2010). Psychologie des Steuerverhaltens. 9th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Salzburg, Austria, 8th – 10th April, 2010.
  • Wahl, I., Kastlunger, B., Kirchler, E., Lang, E. & Muehlwerth, B. (2009). The mechanisms underlying tax compliance: An empirical test of the slippery slope framework. 6th Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Vienna, Austria, 9th – 11th September, 2009.
  • Wahl, I., Kirchler, E., Hartner, M. & Rechberger, S. (2008). Development of a standardized inventory to measure voluntary tax compliance, enforced tax compliance, tax avoidance, and tax evasion. 33rd Annual Congress of the International Association for Economic Psychology, Rome, Italy, 3rd – 6th September, 2008.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2008). The influence of participation and tax money use on cooperation. 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, 20th – 25th July, 2008.
  • Kirchler, E., Muehlbacher, S., Kastlunger, B. & Wahl, I. (2007). Why paying taxes? A review of tax compliance decisions. Conference on Tax Compliance and Evasion, Atlanta, Georgia, 30th September – 2nd November, 2007.
  • Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Wahl, I. (2007). Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance: The "slippery slope model". 32nd Annual Congress of the International Association for Economic Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9th – 12th September, 2007.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2007). The impact of participation on the decision to cooperate. 32nd Annual Congress of the International Association for Economic Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9th – 12th September, 2007.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2007). The impact of participation on the decision to cooperate. SoDoc Workshop, Cologne, Germany, 29th June – 1st July, 2007.
  • Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B., Wischin, S., Mühlbacher, S., Wahl, I. & Kirchler, E. (2007). The influence of payment mode on predicted versus experienced utility. Cognition and Emotion in Economic Decision Making, Rovereto, Italy, 26th – 27th Jannuary, 2007.
  • Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Wahl, I. (2006). Importing ideas from tax psychology to organizational psychology. International Symposium on Social Capital and Trust in Organizations. Madrid, Spain, 29th November – 2nd December, 2006.
  • Wahl, I. & Hoelzl, E. (2006). Knowability and social takeover in sequential decisions. 5th Tilburg Symposium on Psychology and Economics: Games and Decisions, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 29th September, 2006.
  • Wahl, I. & Hoelzl, E. (2006). Financial decision making and social influence. Transfer of Knowledge Conference of the European Social Cognition Network, Warsaw/Pultusk, Poland, 6th – 10th September, 2006.
  • Wahl, I. & Hoelzl, E. (2005). Knowability and social takeover in sequential decisions. 30th Annual Congress of the International Association for Economic Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic, 21st – 24th September, 2005.

Conferences – Poster presentations

  • Wimmer, B., Lukács, B., Kuso, S. & Wahl, I. (2019). Closing the distance: Project on creating immersive environments for remote learning. 18th European Conference on e-Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7th – 8th November, 2019.
  • Neuwirth, E. & Wahl, I. (2014). Evaluierung des Programmes "Mentoring für MigrantInnen" aus Sicht der Mentees. 17th Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Evaluation, Zurich, Switzerland, 10th – 12th September, 2014.
  • Pollai, M., Kirchler, E., & Wahl, I. (2011). Social identitiy and in-group bias of the unemployed compared to other occupational groups. European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 12th – 16th July, 2011.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2010). Partizipation und Kooperation von SteuerzahlerInnen. 9th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Salzburg, Austria, 8th – 10th April, 2010.
  • Kastlunger, B., Wahl, I., Kirchler, E., Lang, E. & Muehlwerth, B. (2010). Macht und Vertrauen: Mechanismen zur Förderung der Steuerehrlichkeit. 9th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Salzburg, Austria, 8th – 10th April, 2010.
  • Wahl, I., Kastlunger, B., Kirchler, E., Lang, E. & Muehlwerth, B. (2009). Trust and power: Mechanisms underlying tax compliance. 22th Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference, Rovereto, Italy, 23rd – 27th August, 2009.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2008). The impact of participation and beneficiaries on the decision to cooperate. European Association of Empirical Social Psychology Summer School, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 17th – 31st August, 2008.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2008). The impact of participation and beneficiaries on the decision to cooperate. European Association of Empirical Social Psychology General Meeting, Opatija, Croatia, 10th – 14th June, 2008.
  • Wahl, I., Muehlbacher, S. & Kirchler, E. (2007). The impact of participation and beneficiaries on the decision to cooperate. 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgement and Desicion Making, Long Beach, California, 17th – 19th November, 2007.