Phelia Weiß, B.A. B.A. MA
Researcher (Predoc)
Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.43), 1090 Vienna
✆ +43-1-4277-49309
Web: Advertising & Media Psychology Research Group (AdMe)
Consultation: Based upon prior agreement
➥ Media content and effects
➥ Radicalization and extremism
➥ Gender
➥ Quantitative methods
Phelia Weiß is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna since October 2022. Previously, she worked as a research assistant in the AdMe research group and for several years at the University of Munich.
Phelia completed her master's degree in journalism and communication studies at the University of Vienna. Before, she studied communication science, sociology and art history at the University of Munich.