Melanie Haberl, BA MA
Researcher (Predoc)
Währinger Straße 29 (R. 3.26), 1090 Vienna
✆ +43-1-4277-49310
Web: Journalism Studies Center • Political Communication Research Group
Project: Emotions in Political Journalism: A Cross-Country View
PI: Folker Hanusch
Funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Consultation: Based upon prior agreement
➥ Emotions in journalism
➥ Ethnography
➥ Day-to-day journalistic work
➥ Language and narrations
Melanie Haberl is a predoctoral researcher in the FWF-funded project "Emotions in political journalism" under the supervision of Prof. Folker Hanusch and Prof. Sophie Lecheler. Drawing from her personal background as an editor and spokesperson, her research primarily focuses on exploring emotional experiences and practices within the daily work life of journalists.
Melanie Haberl studied European Ethnology in Innsbruck and Vienna. During her studies, she was working as a tutor and study assistant. Since 2018, she is involved in several projects at the intersection of art and science (e.g. "5 nach 12" for "Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Tirol 2023"), engaging with emotions, narrations and imaginations across diverse subject areas. In addition to her predoc-position, she currently teaches undergraduate courses at the Department of European Ethnology.