Dott. Dott. mag. Diego Garusi
Researcher (Predoc)
Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.29), 1090 Vienna
✆ +43-1-4277-49368
Web: Journalism Studies Center
Consultation: Based upon prior agreement
- Boundaries of journalism
- Folk theories of journalism
- Journalistic values
- News media trust
Diego Garusi holds a Bachelor's degree in “Communication and Society” from the University of Milan (2019) and a Master's degree in "Analysis of Social Processes" from the University of Milan-Bicocca (2021).
He is currently a Predoc University Assistant at the Journalism Studies Center at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna. He is also part of the Italian team for the project "Worlds of Journalism Study".
Before joining the University of Vienna, Diego Garusi was involved in several research projects at the University of Milan and Audencia Business School. He also worked as a Teaching Assistant for the course "Media Sociology" at the University of Milan.