Stephanie Bührer, BSc MSc

Researcher (Predoc)

Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.37), 1090 Vienna

✆  +43-1-4277-49342

Web: Advertising & Media Psychology Research Group (AdMe)

Project: DIGIHATE (PI: Jörg Matthes)
Funding: European Research Council (ERC)

Consultation: Based upon prior agreement

➥  Digital hate and media psychology
➥  In- and outgroup effects
➥  Social identities
➥  Methodological research

Stephanie Bührer is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Communication since February 2023. She finished her master's degree in psychology at the University of Vienna in 2015 and worked at the University of Bern until 2017, where she did research on "Social Optimism Bias".

Afterwards, Stephanie taught several classes at the University of Vienna until 2022 and worked freelance in science, test development and statistics. Her research focus at AdMe is digital hate, with a particular focus on perpetrators. Further research interests include in- and out-group effects, social identities, media psychology, and methodology.