Books • Book Chapters • Articles
- Kolokytha, O., Gmeiner, R., Henriksson, T., & Janowska, A. A. (2025). Let's play equal! Researching mechanisms of inequalities in the music and games sectors using the Global Production Network approach. City, Culture and Society, 40, 100620.
- Chaidemenaki, L., & Kolokytha, O. (2024). Whose culture is it anyway? Perceptions of accessibility in museums by professionals working with people with intellectual disabilities in Greece. Museum Management and Curatorship. Advance online publication.
- Kolokytha, O. (2024). Philanthropy and cultural leadership – Christos Carras, Senior Consultant, Onassis Stegi: In conversation (Greece). In S. Hadley (Ed.), Cultural leadership in practice (pp. 28-43). Oxon: Routledge.
- Kolokytha, O., Belinskaya, Y., & Magkou M. (2024). Religion and politics: Silencing Greek theatre in the 21st century. In A. Etienne, & C. Megson (Eds.), Theatre censorship in contemporary Europe: Silence and protest (pp. 195-210). Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
- Yannopoulos, Y., Carras, C., Kolokytha, O., Kyriakidis, E., Papageorgiou, A., Trikas, D., Tsiavos, P., & Handaka, S. (2023). Culture in Greece. How can the cultural sector become a means of sustainable development and a source of social value. Athens: DiaNEOsis Research and Policy Institute, retrieved from
- Kolokytha, O. (2023). Reclaiming place: Cultural initiatives in Cretan villages as enablers of citizen involvement and repopulation. In V. Durrer, A. Gilmore, L. Jancovich, & D. Stevenson (Eds.), Cultural policy is local: Understanding cultural policy as situated practice (pp. 169-187). UK: Palgrave.
- Kolokytha, O. (2023). Private cultural foundations as actors of soft power in times of austerity. In N. Chitty, L. Ji, & G. Rawnsley (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of soft power (pp. 336-344). Oxon: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Kolokytha, O. (2023). Christos Carras (Senior Consultant, Onassis Stegi): in conversation. Cultural Trends. Advance online publication.
- Kolokytha, O. (2022). Festival management practices. In C. DeVereaux (Ed.), Managing the arts and culture: Cultivating a field (pp. 263-289). NY and Oxon: Routledge.
- Magkou, M., Kolokytha, O., Tsene, L. (2022). Αctivism and bottom-up narratives of change in Greek cultural policy: The case of #SupportArtWorkers. Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/ Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik, 8(2), 193-212.
- Kolokytha, O. (2022). Crisis as change: New paradigms in cultural policy. The case of Greece. In C. Mathieu, & V. Visanich (Eds.). Accomplishing cultural policy in Europe: Financing, governance and responsiveness (pp. 71-86). Oxon: Routledge.
- Kolokytha, O. (2022). Bottom-up cultural diplomacy in the Greek periphery: The city of Chania and Dance Days Chania festival. City, Culture and Society, 100448. Advance online publication. (open access)
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). The future of cultural policies by Philippe Kern. Journal of Digital Media and Culture, 12(3), 534-536.
- Kolokytha O. (2021) Developing texts for animated opera: A unique case study. In S. Taylor & C. Batty (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of script development (pp. 545-555). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-82234-7_37
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). Audience development and cultural policy, by Stephen Hadley. Cultural Trends. doi:10.1080/09548963.2021.1945405
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). Cultural diplomacy in Greece during the crisis. A critical overview. In D. Kizlari, & M. Shehade (Eds.), Cultural diplomacy: Contemporary approaches, future challenges (pp. 53-68). Athens: Epikentro (in Greek).
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). Transmedia, opera and cultural journalism. In Montserrat Jurado Martín & Beatriz Peña Acuña (Eds.), Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (II). Modelos transmedia para profesionales innovadores (pp. 185-196). Madrid: Universitas. ISBN 9788479915605.
- Kolokytha, O., & Rozgonyi, K. (2021). From social distancing to digital un-distancing: COVID-19 pandemic and new challenges in digital policy in the cultural and the audiovisual sector. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 12(1), 177-184.
- Kolokytha, O. (2020). Technology, decentralisation and the periphery of European filmmaking: Greece and Scandinavia in focus. In I. Lewis & L. Canning. (Eds.), European cinema in the twenty-first century. Discourses, directions and genres (pp. 207-225). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Gmeiner, R., & Kolokytha, O. (2020). Who runs the (PR) world? Underrepresentation of women in music PR. In A. Adi & E. Ayme-Yahil (Eds., 2020). Women in PR research and opinions about the status, challenges and future of women working in PR/Communications (pp. 153-170). Quadriga University of Applied Sciences.
- Kolokytha, O., Korbiel, I., Rozgonyi, K., & Sarikakis, K. (2019). Who's afraid of the past: The role of archives in shaping the future of PSBs. VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, 8(16), 5-17.
- Kolokytha, O. (2019). Greek cultural policy and politics: The contemporary situation and its implications on the governance of culture in the country. In S. Höhne (Ed.), Kulturpolitik in Ostmittel- und Südeuropa (1945 bis 2015) (pp. 223-236). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- Sarikakis, K., & Kolokytha, O. (2019). EU democratic deficits: The EU project and a European public sphere. In K. Arnold, P. Preston & S. Kinnebrock (Eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History (pp. 315-331). USA: Wiley.
- Kolokytha, O. (2019). Cultural leadership at supranational level. Instrumentalisation of culture and exercise of power. The Journal of Cultural Management: Arts, Economics, Policy. Special issue on Cultural Leadership, 1, 57-74.
- Kassa, B.E., Kolokytha, O., Korbiel, I., Rozgonyi, K., & Sarikakis, K. (2019). Medienindustrie und Geschlecht: Ökonomische und machtpolitische Aspekte globaler Medienproduktion. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl & V. Ratković (Eds.). Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht. Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [OnlineFirst]
- Kolokytha, O. (2018). Cultural journalism as field and practice. An academic and cultural management perspective in Montserrat Jurado Martín, Beatriz Peña Acuña. (Eds.). Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores. Madrid: Universitas, pp. 273-286.
- Kolokytha, O., Sarikakis, K. (2018). Film Governance in the EU: Caught in a Loop? in Murschetz, P., Teichmann, R., Karmasin, M. (eds). State Aid for Film. An International Handbook. Berlin: Springer- Verlag, pp. 67-82.
- Sarikakis, K., Kolokytha, O., Rozgonyi, K. (2016). Copyright (and) Culture: The governance of Audiovisual Archives in info, 18(6).
- Kolokytha, O., (2013). Artistic Development of Young Professional Singers. Vienna: University for Music and the Performing Arts, Extempore 12. ISBN 978-3-9502987-3-4.
- Kolokytha, O. (2013). Views of Greece as an intercultural pole of musical thought and creativity and young Greek professional musicians: the cultural policy and management perspective in Crossroads: Greece as an intercultural pole of musical thought and creativity conference proceedings, pp.465-472. Thessaloniki: Department of Music Studies. ISBN 978-960-99845-3-9.
- Kolokytha, O. (2006). Artistic development of young opera singers in the UK; a definition of the term and a discussion on the process at ICCPR2006: Fourth International Conference on Cultural Policy Research CD-ROM Proceedings ISBN 3-9502214-0-9 (Vienna, July 2006).
Project Reports & Publications for Professional Communities
- Gmeiner, R., Kolokytha, O., & Plebańczyk, K. (2023). Production networks in the cultural and creative sector: Case studies from cultural heritage, archives and libraries (1.0). Zenodo.
- Kolokytha, O. (2023). Could less be more? Degrowth, cultural policy, and sustainable regional development. UNESCO Talk: Rethinking Cultural Policy. Learning from International Experience. A Documentation of the UNESCO Talk on 13 December 2022. With analytical reports by experts from the fields of arts, culture, and science (pp. 17-18). UNESCO Österreichische Nationalkommission.
- Kolokytha, O. (2021). The arts in the time of pandemic. The European Sociologist, 46, Pandemic (im)possibilities vol. 2.
- Kloosterman, R.C., van Kempen, S., Pratt, A., M'Bay, J., d’Ovidio, M., Greco, L., Boren, T., Hendriksson, T., Pareja-Eastaway, M., Pradel-Miguel, M., Ilczuk, D., Janowska, A., Gmeiner, R., Kolokytha, O., Tomova, B., & Andreeva, D. (2019). The CICERONE Project methodology.
- Kolokytha, O. (2019). Arts and cultural management. Sense and sensibilities in the state of the field, by Constance DeVereaux (Ed.). Cultural Trends. [OnlineFirst] (Book Review)
- Kolokytha, O. (2019). Bottom-up rather than top-down. Mapping converging needs in EU culture and science policies. Spokes, the science engagement magazine of the European Network of science centres and museums, 53, June 2019.
- Kolokytha, O. (2019). Crises as actors of change. Highlights from the Greek cultural sector in Arts Management Quarterly No. 131: Arts Management in times of crisis, pp. 37-42.
- Kolokytha, O. (2019). Cultural leadership deconstructed: practicing excellence and celebrating mistakes in Arts Management Quarterly No. 130: What does cultural leadership mean to me? pp. 12-16.
- Kolokytha, O. Networks and synergies in the cultural sector. A case study in opera in ENCATCscholar issue 9.
- Kolokytha, O. (2017). Innovative approaches in traditional contexts: the Cunning Little Vixen project. in Evmenov, A.D. (Ed). Textbook on Management in the Sphere of Culture and Media Industries. Innovative Approaches and Technologies. St. Petersburg: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, pp. 12-16.
- Sarikakis, K, Kolokytha, O., Korbiel, I., Rozgonyi, K., Battorfy, A. (2017). The governance of cultural memory through audiovisual broadcast archives: preservation and accessibility in four European countries. Research report funded by FIAT/ IFTA.