Mag. Mario Freyer

Research Administrator

Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.45), 1090 Vienna

✆  +43-1-4277-49306

Web: Advertising & Media Psychology Research Group (AdMe)

Consultation: Only based upon prior agreement (via E-Mail)

  • Administration for Professor Jörg Matthes & the Advertising & Media Psychology Research Group (AdMe)
  • Administrative coordination of the ERC-funded research project Digital Hate: Perpetrators, Audiences, and (Dis)Empowered Targets (Principal investigator: Professor Jörg Matthes)
  • Webmaster for Department website
  • Organization of the Department's science communication (alongside Annika Arndt)
  • Maintenance of the Department's Twitter account (alongside Sarah Elisabeth Epp-Kampl)
  • Main contact person for questions regarding external funding (project application, coordination and administration – pre- and post-award stage)
  • Support for u:cris research documentation on Department level
  • Coordination of meeting rooms and labs at Department building Währinger Straße 29 (W29)