Dr. Sophie Maria Mayen, B.A. MSc

Research Fellow

✉  sophie.mayen@univie.ac.at


  • Media usage in every day life
  • Media use and effects among children and adolescents
  • Health communication, especially on women's health
  • Framing effects

Sophie Mayen is a research associate (Research Fellow) at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna, supervised by Assoz. Prof. Dr. Claudia Wilhelm, M.A. and co-supervised by Dr. Anne Reinhardt. Her broad interests include media use and effects (particularly among children and adolescents), health communication with a focus on women's health, media psychology, and framing-effects.

Sophie obtained her Master of Science degree (with distinction) in Communication Science from the University of Vienna in November 2020 with a thesis entitled "Framing effects of cardiovascular disease messages on women's behavior intentions: a moderated mediation model". Sophie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media and Communication Sciences from Hamburg University and plays field field hockey at a competitive level in the first national league in Austria.