Publications: 2020
All publications are ordered alphabetically.
Articles, chapters and papers published before 2020 can be accessed through the newsletter archive or under "Books".
- Aaldering, L., Egelhofer, J. L., & Lecheler, S. (2020). Nieuwe uitdagingen voor de journalistiek in het tijdperk van nepnieuws [New Challenges for Journalism in the Age of Fake New]. In J. de Ridder, R. Vliegenthart, & J. Zuure (Eds.), Doen, durven of de waarheid? Democratie in digitale tijden [Truth or dare? Democracy in a Digital Era] (pp. 87-103). Amsterdam: University Press.
- Arendt, F. (2020). The press and suicides in the 19th century: Investigating possible imitative effects in five territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 81(3), 424-435.
- Arendt, F. (2020). Prejudiced responses in patient-physician communication? No evidence for across-the-board unintended effects in majority patients. Health & New Media Research, 4(1), 31-45.
- Arendt, F., Forrai, M., & Findl, O. (2020). Dealing with negative reviews on physician-rating websites: An experimental test of how physicians can prevent reputational damage via effective response strategies. Social Science & Medicine, 266, 113422.
- Arendt, F., Markiewitz, A., Mestas, M., & Scherr, S. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic, government responses, and public mental health: Investigating consequences through crisis hotline calls in two countries. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113532.
- Arendt, F., & Karadas, N. (2020). Implicit and explicit attitudes toward Germany as news-choice predictors in Muslims with migration backgrounds living in Germany. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(4), 440-462. doi:10.1515/commun-2019-2067
- Arendt, F., Haim, M., & Scherr, S. (2020). Investigating Google's suicide-prevention efforts in celebrity suicides using agent-based testing: A cross-national study in four European countries. Social Science & Medicine, 262, 112692. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112692
- Bauer, T. A. (2020). Medialität und Bildung. Bildungsrelevante Anmerkungen zur Logik des Medienbegriffs. In G. Kyseal-Schiemer & G. Ortner (Eds.), Comenius Reloaded 2020 (pp. 78-87).
- Binder, A., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2020). Experts, peers, or celebrities? The role of different social endorsers on children's fruit choice. Appetite, 155, 104821.
- Binder, A., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2020). The effects of gain- and loss-framed nutritional messages on children's healthy eating behavior. Public Health Nutrition, 23(10), 1726-1734.
- Binder, A., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2020). A "forbidden fruit effect": An eye-tracking study on children’s visual attention to food marketing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1859.
- Binder, A., Naderer, B., Matthes, J., & Spielvogel, I. (2020). Fiction is sweet. The impact of media consumption on the development of children's nutritional knowledge and the moderating role of parental food-related mediation. A longitudinal study. Nutrients, 12(5), 1478.
- Biron, B. (2020). Der Erste Weltkrieg als Heerschau der Frauen? Betrachtungen zum vermeintlichen Motor der Frauen-Emanzipation. In B. Biron, W. Duchkowitsch, & W. Lamprecht (Eds.), Frauen, Medien, Krieg (pp. 9-34). Wien, Münster: LIT-Verlag.
- Brantner, C., Götzenbrucker, G., Lobinger, K., & Schreiber M. (Eds.) (2020). Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Brantner, C., Lobinger, K., Götzenbrucker, G., & Schreiber, M. (2020). Vernetzte Bilder in Sozialen Medien als Forschungsthema der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung. In C. Brantner, G. Götzenbrucker, K. Lobinger, & M. Schreiber (Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien (pp. 9-24). Köln: Herbert von Halem.
- Burkart, R. (2020). Schleichwerbung. In K. Artsiomenka, & H. Pöttker (Eds.), Journalistikon. Das Wörterbuch der Journalistik. (Nur online)
- Chen, V. H. H., Wilhelm, C., & Jöckel, S. (2020). Relating video game exposure, sensation seeking, aggression and socioeconomic factors to school performance. Behaviour & Information Technology, 39(9), 957-969.
Published online: 30/06/19
- de Lenne, O., Vandenbosch, L., Eggermont S., Karsay, K., & Trekels, T. (2020). Picture-perfect lives on social media: A cross-national study on the role of media ideals in adolescent well-being. Media Psychology, 23(1), 52-78.
- Dorer, J., Gouma, A., & Marschik, M. (2020). Intersectionality in sports journalism. In K. Ross, I. Bachmann, V. Cardo, S. Moorti, & C.M. Scarcelli (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Dorer, J., & Marschik, M. (2020). Intersectionality in sports reporting. In K. Ross, I. Bachmann, V. Cardo, S. Moorti, & C.M. Scarcelli (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Dorer, J., & Marschik, M. (2020). Sportliche Avancen – Frauensport in Wien (1934-1938). In M. Marschik (Ed.), Bewegte Körper. Historische Populärkulturen des Sports in Österreich. (pp. 176-194). Wien: LIT-Verlag.
- Duchkowitsch, W. (2020). Diametrale Agitationen im Ersten Weltkrieg: Kommunikatives Handeln österreichischer Frauen. In B. Biron, W. Duchkowitsch, & W. Lamprecht (Eds.), Frauen, Medien, Krieg (pp. 179-194). Wien, Münster: LIT-Verlag.
- Eberl, J.-M., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2020). Wahlkampfkommunikation. In T. Faas, O. W. Gabriel, & J. Maier (Eds.), Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung (pp. 164-183). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Eberl, J.-M., Huber L. M., & Plescia, C. (2020). A tale of firsts: The 2019 Austrian snap election. West European Politics, 43(6), 1350-1363.
- Eberl, J.-M., Kathirgamalingam, M., & Boomgaarden H. G. (2020). Austria: On the road to peak TV debate? In J. Juárez-Gámiz, C. Holtz-Bacha, & A. Schroeder (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook on Electoral Debates (pp. 129-138). London: Routledge.
- Eberl, J. M., Tolochko, P., Jost, P., Heidenreich, T., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2020). What's in a post? How sentiment and issue salience affect users' emotional reactions on Facebook. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17(1), 48-65.
- Egelhofer, J. L., Aaldering, L., Eberl, J. M., Galyga, S., & Lecheler, S. (2020). From novelty to normalization? How journalists use the term "fake news" in their reporting. Journalism Studies, 43(2), 1323-1343.
- Einwiller, S.A., & Carroll, C.E. (2020). Negative disclosures in corporate social responsibility reporting. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 25(2), 319-337.
- Einwiller, S., & Kim, S. (2020). How online content providers moderate user-generated content to prevent harmful online communication – an analysis of policies and their implementation. Policy & Internet, 12(2), 184-206.
- Einwiller, S., & Korn, C. (2020). Employee reactions to negative media coverage. In F. Frandsen & W. Johansen (Eds.), Handbook of crisis communication (pp. 299-318). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Einwiller, S., Laufer, D. (2020). Guest editorial – Special issue on crisis communication in the public sector. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 32(4), 339-341.
- Einwiller, S., & Ninova-Solovykh, N. (2020). Strategisches Themenmanagement. Mit oder ohne Newsroom eine bedeutende Veränderung in der Unternehmenskommunikation. kommunikationsmanager 3, 18-20.
- Einwiller, S., & Ruppel, C. (2020). Interne Unternehmenskommunikation in der Krise – Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter Arbeitnehmenden während der Corona-Krise. prmagazin, 7, 64-71.
- Giglietto, F., Righetti, N., & Marino, G. (2020). Detecting coordinated link sharing during the Italian Coronavirus outbreak. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, AoIR2020.
- Gil de Zúñiga, H., Strauß, N., & Huber, B. (2020). The proliferation of the "news finds me" perception across societies. International Journal of Communication, 14, 1605–1633.
- Gmeiner, R., & Kolokytha, O. (2020). Who runs the (PR) world? Underrepresentation of women in music PR. In A. Adi & E. Ayme-Yahil (Eds.), Women in PR: Research and opinions about the status, challenges and future of women working in PR/Communications (pp. 152-160). Berlin: Quadriga University of Applied Sciences.
- Grimm, Jürgen (2020). Hoch gefährlich und ohne verlässliche Strukturen! Mit Verschwörungsnarrativen gegen Werterelativismus und Weltbild-Chaos. tv diskurs, 24(4).
- Grimm, J. (2020). Weibliche Blicke und nationale Aneignungsperspektiven. Frauen als Rezipientinnen einer Fernsehdokumentation zum Ersten Weltkrieg in Österreich, Ungarn, der Türkei und Vietnam. In B. Biron, W. Duchkowitsch, & W. Lamprecht (Eds.), Frauen, Medien, Krieg (pp. 305-382). Wien, Münster: LIT-Verlag.
- Gruber, M., Mayer, C., & Einwiller, S. (2020). What drives people to participate in online firestorms? Online Information Review, 44(3), 563-581.
- Götzenbrucker, G. (2020). Rezension. Paus-Hasebrinck, I., Kulterer, J., & Sinner, P. (2019). Social inequality, childhood, and the media. A Longitudinal study of the mediatization of socialization. ÖZS – Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 3(20), 371-374.
- Hanusch, F. (Ed.) (2019). Comparing journalistic cultures. London: Routledge.
- Hanusch, F., Banjac, S., & Maares, P. (2020). The power of commercial influences: How lifestyle journalists experience pressure from advertising and public relations. Journalism Practice, 14(9), 1029-1046.
- Hanusch, F., & Vos, T. P. (2020). Charting the development of a field: A systematic review of comparative studies of journalism. International Communication Gazette, 82(4), 319–341.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Journalismuskritik: Wer sind die Zensoren? Über Klöckner, M. (2019). Sabotierte Wirklichkeit: Oder: Wenn Journalismus zur Glaubenslehre wird. Statement, Österreichs Medienmagazin, Jänner/Februar, 14-15.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Corona-Krise ändert alles. Statement. Österreichs Medienmagazin, Mai/Juni, 6ff.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Mäzenaten-Journalismus neu denken. Statement. Österreichs Medienmagazin, September/Oktober, 6f.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Medienpolitik in Zeiten von Corona. Interesse, 4, 4-5.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Totgesagte leben länger – und können Zukunft haben. Die Furche, Jubiläumsausgabe 01.12.2020, 69.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Chancen nicht genutzt. 75 Jahre nach dem Start des Neubaus demokratischer Medien in Österreich fällt die Zwischenbilanz heute durchwachsen aus. Statement. Österreichs Medienmagazin, 9f.
- Hausjell, F. (2020). Selbstschädigende Verhinderungsmentalität. Statement. Österreichs Medienmagazin, 32f.
- Heidenreich, T., Eberl, J.-M., Lind, F., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2020). Political migration discourses on Social Media: A comparative perspective on visibility and sentiment across political Facebook accounts in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(7), 1261-1280.
- Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020). Operationalisierung und Messung. In C. Wagemann, A. Goerres, & M. Siewert (Eds.), Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft (pp. 63-79). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020). Stuck in a nativist spiral: Content, selection, and effects of right-wing populists' communication on Facebook. Political Communication, 37(3), 303-328.
- Herczeg, P., & Rosenberg, R. (2020). Journalismus und Jugendliche. Einstellungen zu Journalist*innen und Selbsterfahrung durch Produktion von Beiträgen für Radio und Podcast – Ein Versuch. In K. Gallner-Holzmann, T. Hug & G. Pallaver (Eds.), Jugendliche Mediennutzung und die Zukunft des Qualitätsjournalismus (pp. 53-69). Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.
- Huber, B, & Aichberger, I. (2020). Emotionalization in the media coverage of honey bee colony losses. Media and Communication, 8(1), 141–150.
- Huber, B., Gil de Zúñiga, H., & Liu, J. (2020). Assessing political second screening behavior and personality traits: The roles of economic development, freedom of expression and monochromatic vs. polychromatic cultures. Telematics and Informatics, 49.
- Karsay, K., & Matthes, J. (2020). Sexually objectifying pop music videos, young women's self-objectification, and selective exposure: A moderated mediation model. Communication Research, 47(3), 428-450.
- Karsay, K., Matthes, J., & Fröhlich, V. (2020). Gender role portrayals in television advertisements: Do channel characteristics matter? Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(1), 28-52.
- Knoll, J., Matthes, J., & Heiss, R. (2020). The social media political participation model: A goal systems theory perspective. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(1), 135-156.
- Kolokytha, O. (2020). Technology, decentralisation and the periphery of European filmmaking: Greece and Scandinavia in focus. In I. Lewis & L. Canning. (Eds.), European cinema in the twenty-first century. Discourses, directions and genres (pp. 207-225). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Köhl, M., & Götzenbrucker, G. (2020). Bilder als Affektgeneratoren: Eine transkulturelle Studie zur bildlichen Verhandlung von Nähe und Distanz in Social Media Umgebungen. In C. Brantner, G. Götzenbrucker, K. Lobinger, & M. Schreiber (Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien (pp. 54-88). Köln: Herbert von Halem.
- Lamprecht, W. (2020). Schau ma mal mit Eyes Wide Open – Historische Assoziationen zum 30. Geburtstag des Bank Austria Kunstforums Wien. Museum Aktuell, 265, 14-18.
- Lecheler, S. (2020). The emotional turn in journalism needs to be about audience perceptions. Digital Journalism, 8(2), 287-291. doi:10.1080/21670811.2019.1708766
- Lee, H., Chang, D. R., & Einwiller, S. (2020). A study on the dynamics between the moral reasoning, celebrity image and consumers' support for celebrity comebacks after a transgression. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 29(6), 729-743.
- Lecheler, S., de Haan, Y. & Kruikemeier, S. (2020). Meeting the digital demand through a multi-perspective methodological approach. Journalism Studies, 21(7), 857-862.
- Maares, P., & Hanusch, F. (2020). Exploring the boundaries of journalism: Instagram micro-bloggers in the twilight zone of lifestyle journalism. Journalism, 21(2), 262-278.
- Maares, P. & Hanusch, F. (2020). Zwischen 'natürlichem' Bild und 'Eye-Catcher-Moment': Zur Relevanz visueller Authentizität für professionelle Instagram-Mikroblogger*innen. In C. Brantner, G. Götzenbrucker, K. Lobinger, & M. Schreiber (Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder: Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien (pp. 156-173). Köln: Herbert von Halem.
- Markiewitz, A., Arendt, F., & Scherr, S. (2020). #suizid. Zur Darstellung von Suizid in sozialen Netzwerken und den möglichen Auswirkungen auf Jugendliche. Kinder- und Jugendschutz in Wissenschaft und Praxis (KJug)65, 19-25.
- Markiewitz, A., Arendt, F., & Scherr, S. (2020). Increasing adherence to media guidelines on responsible reporting on suicide: Suggestions from qualitative interviews with German journalists. Journalism Studies, 21(4), 494-511.
- Matthes, J., Kaskeleviciute, R., Schmuck, D., von Sikorski, C., Klobasa, C., Knupfer, H., & Saumer, M. (2020). Who differentiates between Muslims and Islamist terrorists in terrorism news coverage? An actor-based approach. Journalism Studies, 21(15), 2135-2153.
- Matthes, J., & Prieler, M. (2020). Nudity of male and female characters in television advertising across thirteen countries. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(4), 1101-1122.
- Matthes, J., Karsay, K., Schmuck, D., & Stevic, A. (2020). "Too much to handle": Impact of mobile social networking sites on information overload, depressive symptoms, and well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 105, 106217.
- Matthes, J., Nanz, A., Stubenvoll, M., & Heiss, R. (2020). Processing news on social media. The political incidental news exposure model (PINE). Journalism, 21(8), 1031-1048.
- Mayrhofer, M., & Matthes, J. (2020). Observational learning of the televised consequences of drinking alcohol: Exploring the role of perceived similarity. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 37(6), 557-575.
- Mayrhofer, M., Matthes, J., Einwiller, S., & Naderer, B. (2020). User generated content presenting brands on social media increases young adults' purchase intention. International Journal of Advertising, 39(1), 166-186.
- Naderer, B., Binder, A., Matthes, J., & Mayrhofer, M. (2020). Healthy, sweet, brightly colored, and full of vitamins: Cognitive and affective persuasive cues of food placements and children's healthy eating behavior. International Journal of Advertising, 39(7), 1012-1030.
- Naderer, B., Binder, A., Matthes, J., Spielvogel, I., & Forrai, M. (2020). Food as an eye-catcher. An eye-tracking study on children’s attention to healthy and unhealthy food presentations as well as non-edible objects in audiovisual media. Pediatric Obesity, 15(3).
- Naderer, B., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020). The skilled and the interested: How personal curation skills increase or decrease exposure to political information on social media. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17(4), 452-460.
- Naderer, B., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Matthes, J., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Native and embedded advertising formats: Tensions between a lucrative marketing strategy and consumer fairness. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(3), 273-281.
- Naderer, B., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Matthes, J., & Einwiller, S. (2020) (Eds.). Native and embedded advertising formats in the digital world. Special Issue. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(3), 273-388.
- Nagel, M.-T., Schäfer, S., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia O., Schemer, C., Maurer, M., Molerov, D., Schmidt, S., & Brückner, B. (2020). How do university students' web search behavior, website characteristics, and the interaction of both influence students' critical online reasoning? Frontiers in Education.
- Nanz, A., & Matthes, J. (2020). Learning from incidental exposure to political information in online environments. Journal of Communication, 70(6), 769-793.
- Ngai, C. S. B., Einwiller, S., & Singh, R. G. (2020). An exploratory study on content and style as driving factors facilitating dialogic communication between corporations and publics on social media in China. Public Relations Review, 46(1), Article 101813.
- Niederkrotenthaler, T., Braun, M., Pirkis, J., Till, B., Stack, S., Sinyor, M., Tran, U., Voracek, M., Cheng, Q., Arendt, F., Scherr, S., Yip, P., & Spittal, M. (2020). Association between suicide reporting and suicide: Systematic review and meta-analysis. The BMJ: British Medical Journal, 368, m575.
- Nölleke, D. (2020). Wissenschaftsjournalismus. In K. Artsiomenka, & H. Pöttker
(Eds.), Journalistikon. (Onlineveröffentlichung)
- Ossmann, S. F. (2020). Introducing the new kid on the block: Polyamory. In Z. Davy, A. C. Santos, C. Bertone, R. Thoreson, & S. Wieringa (Eds.), Handbook of Global Sexualities (Vol. 1, pp. 363-385). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
- Rains, S. A., Matthes, J., & Palomares, N. A. (2020). Communication science and meta-analysis: Introduction to the special issue. Human Communication Research, 46(2-3), 115–119.
- Rains, S. A., Matthes, J., & Palomares, N. A. (2020) (Eds.). Communication science and meta-analysis. Special issue. Human Communication Research, 46(2-3), 115–354.
- Righetti, N., & Bertuzzi, N. (2020). Digital animal advocacy: A study on Facebook communication styles of Italian animal rights organizations and their followers' reactions. Mediascapes Journal 16(20), 128-148.
- Rozgonyi, K. (2020). Negotiating new audiovisual rules for video sharing platforms: Proposals for a Responsive Governance Model of speech online. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic – Catalan Journal of Public Law, 61, 83-98.
- Rozgonyi, K. (2020). Disinformation online: Potential legal and regulatory ramifications to the right to free elections – policy position paper. In F. Loizides, M. Winckler, U. Chatterjee, J. Abdelnour-Nocera, & A. Parmaxi, A. (Eds.), Human computer interaction and emerging technologies: Adjunct proceedings from the INTERACT 2019 workshops (pp. 57–66). Cardiff: Cardiff University Press.
- Rozgonyi, K., & Polyak, G. (2020). Hungary. In D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (pp. 768-771). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Sarikakis, K. (2020). Not from the view of the centre: The lasting impact of the Great War in personal lives and the borders. In B. Biron, W. Duchkowitsch, & W. Lamprecht (Eds.), Frauen, Medien, Krieg (pp. 53-69). Wien, Münster: LIT-Verlag.
- Schmuck, D., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020). Drifting further apart? How exposure to media portrayals of Muslims affects attitude polarization. Political Psychology, 41(6), 1055-1072.
- Schmuck, D., Tribastone, M., Matthes, J., Marquart, F., & Bergel, E. M. (2020). Avoiding the other side? An eye-tracking study on selective exposure and selective avoidance effects in response to political advertising. Journal of Media Psychology, 32(3), 158-164.
- Schwarz, V., Götzenbrucker, G., Kayali, F., Grill, C., & Purgathofer, P. (2020). Voxel generation. Raising awareness for informatics and society among high-school pupils through a game-design project. Studies in Communication and Media, 1, 89-124.
- Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Content-Strategien in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Themensetzung, Storytelling und Newsrooms (Content strategies in corporate communication: Agenda setting, storytelling and newsrooms). In A. Zerfass, M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (Eds.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation (Handbook of corporate communication) (3rd Edn.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Gives you wings. Or not? Exploring the impact of viewer's responsibility attribution and surprise on their attitude, identification and trust. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 25(1), 113-127.
- Song, H., Eberl, J.-M., & Eisele O. (2020). Less fragmented than we thought? Toward clarification of a subdisciplinary linkage in communication science, 2010–2019. Journal of Communication, 70(3), 310-334.
- Song, H., Eberl, J.-M., Tolochko, P., Eisele, O., Greussing, E., Heidenreich, T., Lind, F., Galyga, S., & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2020). In validations we trust? The impact of imperfect human annotations as a gold standard on the quality of validation of automated content analysis. Political Communication, 37(4), 550-572.
Published online: 05/03/20
- Spielvogel, I., Naderer, B., & Matthes, J. (2020). Again and again: Exploring the influence of disclosure repetition on children's cognitive processing of product placement. International Journal of Advertising, 39(5), 611-630.
- Spielvogel, I., Naderer, B., Matthes, J., & Obereder, A. (2020). "Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung": Die Perspektive der Eltern gegenüber Regulierungsmaßnahmen für eingebettete Werbeformen in Film und Fernsehen. Studies in Communication and Media, 9(2), 308-340.
- Steininger, C., (2020). (New) institutional media economics. In M. B. von Rimscha (Ed.), Management and Economics of Communication. Handbooks of Communication Science. Volume 30 (pp. 69-86). Berlin/Munich/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Steininger, C., (2020). Rundfunk. Görres-Gesellschaft. Staatslexikon, 8(4), 1484-1490.
- Strauß, N., Huber, B., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2020). "Yes, I saw it – But didn’t read it…". A cross-country study, exploring relationships between incidental news exposure and news use across platforms. Digital Journalism, 8(9), 1181-1205.
Published online: 15/10/20
- Tkalac Verčič, A., Tench, R., & Einwiller, S. (Eds.) (2020). Joy. Using strategic communication to improve well-being and organizational success. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
- Van der Pas, D. J., & Aaldering, L. (2020). Gender differences in political media coverage: A meta-analysis. Journal of Communication, 70(1), 114-143.
Published online: 27/02/20
- von Sikorski, C., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020). How political scandals affect the electorate. Tracing the eroding and spillover effects of scandals with a panel study. Political Psychology, 41(3), 549-568.
- von Sikorski, C., & Matthes, J. (2020). Framing and journalism. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.
- Weitzl, W., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Profiling (un-)committed online complainants: Their characteristics and post-webcare reactions. Journal of Business Research, 117, 740-753.
- Weitzl, W., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Investigating the effects of sponsorship and forewarning disclosures on recipients' reactance. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(3), 282-302.