Advance Online Access (October 2024 – March 2025)

  • Einwiller, S. A., Wolfgruber, D., & Leitner, A. K. (2025). Addressing backlash? Corporate DEI communication and user complaints on social media. Journal of Marketing Communications. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 05/03/25
  • Breves, P. L., van Berlo, Z. M. C., Teunissen, L., König, L., Binder, A., & Naderer, B. (2025). Happier and healthier? Investigating the longitudinal impact of body-positive and fitspirational influencers on weight satisfaction, healthy eating, and physical activity. Health Communication. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 25/02/25
  • Wehden, L. O., Uth, B., von den Driesch, L., Engelke, K. M., & Springer, N. (2025). Transitioning to transparency: Footnote journalism as a novel journalistic practice. Journalism Practice. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 25/02/25
  • Lind, F., Song, H., Boomgaarden, H. G., Kathirgamalingam, A., Ali, K. P. S., & Vliegenthart, R. (2025). Research practices in comparative communication research: Visibility, topical and geographical disparities, and their longitudinal patterns. International Journal of Communication, 19, 1103-1128, retrieved from
  • Kaňková, J., Stevic, A., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2025). Time to BeReal! Exploring users' well-being in relation to BeReal use duration. New Media & Society. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 19/02/25
  • English, P., Hanusch, F., & Löhmann, K. (2025). The more things change: Exploring change in Australian journalists’ views over a decade of upheaval. Australian Journalism Review. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 18/02/25
  • Matthes, J., Zoizner, A., Nanz, A., Hopmann, D. N., Theocharis, Y., & Noetzel, S. (2025). The relationship between incidental news exposure and political participation: A cross-country, multilevel analysis. Digital Journalism. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 16/02/25
  • Arendt, F., Till, B., Gutsch, A., & Niederkrotenthaler, T. (2025). Social media influencers and the Papageno effect: Experimental evidence for the suicide-preventive impact of social media posts on hope, healing, and recovery. Social Science & Medicine, 370, 117852.
    Published online: 14/02/25
  • Perreault, G. P., Foxman, M., Maares, P., & Hase, V. (2025). Epistemologies of digital news production: Power and technological adaptation in knowledge production. Digital Journalism. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 08/02/25
  • Lühring, J., Metzler, H., Lazzaroni, R., Shetty, A., & Lasser, J. (2025). Best practices for source-based research on misinformation and news trustworthiness using NewsGuard. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 5. Advance online publication.
    Published: 14/01/25
  • Noon, E., Maes, C., Karsay, K., & Yang, C. (2025). From stigma to strength? The interrelations between sexual identity stigma, well-being, and accepting communities on Instagram amongst sexual minority youth. Journal of Adolescence. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 14/01/25
  • Götzenbrucker, G., Preibisch, K. D., & Griesbeck, M. (2025). Mobile without fear. Personal control, information and communication support in ICT-mediated urban public transportation. International Journal of Communication, 19, 70-93, retrieved from
  • Hirsch, M., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2025). A "drop in the ocean"? Emerging adults' experiences and understanding of targeted political advertising on social media. New Media & Society. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 06/01/25
  • Khaleghipour, M., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025). Listen to me! Target perceptions of digital hate: A scoping review of recent research. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 04/01/25
  • Kolokytha, O., Gmeiner, R., Henriksson, T., & Janowska, A. A. (2025). Let's play equal! Researching mechanisms of inequalities in the music and games sectors using the Global Production Network approach. City, Culture and Society, 40, 100620.
    Published online: 17/12/24
  • Lissens, M., Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2025). Responses to (un)healthy advice: Processing and acceptance of health content creators' nutrition misinformation by youth. Appetite, 206, 107812.
    Published online: 04/12/24
  • Weiß, P., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2024). A narrow gateway from misogyny to the far right: Empirical evidence for social media exposure effects. Information, Communication & Society. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 27/12/24
  • Neureiter, A., Grosul, A., Nemcova, V., Saumer, M., & Matthes, J. (2024). No chance to fool young consumers when it comes to the environment: Effects of false and compensation claims in airline advertising on perceived greenwashing. International Journal of Advertising. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 25/12/24
  • Wozniak, A., Liu, Z., & Lind, F. (2024). Media coverage of the Russo–Ukraine war beyond the West: Geopolitics and mainstream news in Brazil, India and South Africa. Media, War & Conflict. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 23/12/24
  • Kaňková, J., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2024). Helpful or harmful? Navigating the impact of social media influencers' health advice: Insights from health expert content creators. BMC Public Health, 24, 3511.
    Published online: 18/12/24
  • Lühring, J., Shetty, A., Koschmieder, C., Garcia, D., Waldherr, A., & Metzler, H. (2024). Emotions in misinformation studies: Distinguishing affective state from emotional response and misinformation recognition from acceptance. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9, 82.
    Published online: 18/12/24
  • Egelhofer, J. L., Seeger, C., & Binder, A. (2024). The effects of witnessing harassment of scientists on public perceptions of science. JCOM – Journal of Science Communication, 23(09), A01.
    Published online: 16/12/24
  • Stevic, A., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2024). Tell me more: Longitudinal relationships between online self-disclosure, co-rumination, and psychological well-being. Computers in Human Behavior. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 14/12/24
  • Waldherr, A., Weber, M., Wu, S., Haim, M., van der Velden, M. A. C. G., & Chen, K. (2024). Between innovation and standardization: Best practices and inclusive guidelines in computational communication science. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 08/12/24
  • Saumer, M., Maikovska, K., Neureiter, A., Čepelova, A., van Scharrel, H., & Matthes, J. (2024). Angry tweets. How uncivil and intolerant elite communication affects political distrust and political participation intentions. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 06/12/24
  • Stoltenberg, D., Kligler-Vilenchik, N., de Vries Kedem, M., Gur-Ze'ev, H., Pfetsch, B., & Waldherr, A. (2024). Leaning in or turning away? Differential effects of the early pandemic lockdown on Twitter use. International Journal of Communication, 18, 4121-4144, retrieved from
  • Nassen, L.-M., Schreurs, L., Karsay, K., & Vandenbosch, L. (2024). Exploring adolescents' social media connection and disconnection: A latent class approach. Media & Communication, 12, Article 8597.
    Published online: 25/11/24
  • Garusi, D., & Juarez Miro, C. (2024). Unpacking news consumption and trust decisions through a folk theory approach: A study of Austrian young adults. Media, Culture & Society. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 07/11/24
  • Wetzstein, I., Prinzellner, Y., & Kröpfl, E. (2024). Femicide coverage in German-language news. A content analysis of Austrian, German, and Swiss newspaper articles from 2018 to 2020. Feminist Media Studies. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 31/10/24
  • Dommett, K., Gibson, R., Kruikemeier, S., Lecheler, S., Bon, E., & Luke, S. (2024) (Eds.) Data-driven campaigning in a comparative context: Toward a 4th era of political communication? Special issue. Media and Communication, 12.
    Published online: 31/10/24
  • Bon, E., Dommett, K., Gibson, R., Kruikemeier, S., & Lecheler, S. (2024). Are certain types of microtargeting more acceptable? Comparing US, German, and Dutch citizens' attitudes. Media and Communication, 12, Article 8520.
    Published online: 31/10/24
  • Luke, S., Bon, E., Dommett, K., Gibson, R., Lecheler, S., & Kruikemeier, S. (2024). Editorial: Data-driven campaigning in a comparative context – Toward a 4th era of political communication? Media and Communication, 12, Article 9227.
    Published online: 31/10/24
  • Stranzl, J., & Ruppel, C. (2024). Co-creating an appreciative working climate: Discussing reasons for appreciation, forms and roles from a communication perspective. Journal of Communication Management. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 30/10/24
  • Dekoninck, H., & Schmuck, D. (2025). Battle of the E-cowarriors: Differential effects of environmental appeals by influencers and organizations on youth's pro-environmental attitudes and behavior intentions. Computers in Human Behavior, 162, 108478.
    Published online: 19/10/24
  • Minihold, S., Lecheler, S., & de Vreese. C. (2024). Exploring digital campaign competence: The role of knowledge in data-driven election campaigns. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 19/10/24
  • *Koban, K., & *Wieringa, M. S. (2024). Think once, think again: Exploring the harm-made mind effect through dual-process theory. International Journal of Social Robotics. Advance online publication.
    * shared first-authorship
    Published online: 17/10/24
  • Spielvogel, I., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2024). Mitigating product placement effects induced by repeated exposure: Testing the effects of existing textual disclosures in children’s movies on disclosure awareness. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 08/10/24
  • Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2024). Prevalence, presentation, and popularity of political topics in social media influencers’ content across two countries. Political Communication. Advance online publication.
    Published online: 06/10/24

Published in Print (February 2025)

  • Noetzel, S., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2025). The more you know…? How disclosures, persuasion knowledge training, and political fit impact cognitive processing of targeted political ads. International Journal of Advertising, 44(3), 516-536.
    Published online: 17/08/24
  • Nölleke, D., Hanusch, F., Maares, P., & Löhmann, K. (2025) Periphere Akteure im Journalismus. In T. Hanitzsch, W. Loosen, A. & Sehl (Eds.), Journalismusforschung (pp. 565-584). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Published in Print (January 2025)

  • Belinskaya, Y., & Kolokytha, O. (2024). From outlaw art to urban euphoria: Graffiti legitimisation processes from within. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 11(2), 171–191.
    Published online: 09/01/25

Published in Print (December 2024)

  • Canevez, R. N., Maikovska, K., & Zwarun, L. (2024). Tactics and affordances in the mediatization of war: Pro-Ukrainian cyber resistance on Telegram. Digital War, 5, 167-180.
    Published online: 07/10/24
  • Engel, E., Gell, S., Heiss, R., Karsay, K., & Schmidhofer, J. (2024). "Influencer-Monitor" – Eine Citizen Science Studie mit Jugendlichen zu Gesundheitsinhalten in sozialen Medien ["Influencer-Monitor" – A Citizen Science Study with Adolescents on Health Content in Social Media]. transfer Forschung <-> Schule, 10, 212-216, retrieved from
  • Matthes, J., Kaskeleviciute, R., Knupfer, H., & Masood, M. (2024). The affective nexus between refugees and terrorism: A panel study on how social media use shapes negative attitudes toward refugees. Political Psychology, 45(6), 961-978.
    Published online: 25/12/23
  • Stoltenberg, D., Pfetsch, B., & Waldherr, A. (2024). Geolocalization of digital data. In A. J. Heinrich, S. Marguin, A. Million, & J. Stollmann (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative and visual methods in spatial research (pp. 353-363). Bielefeld: Transcript/UTB.
    Published online: 31/12/24
  • Thomas, M. F., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2024). The psychological influence of dating app matches: The more matches the merrier? New Media & Society, 26(12), 6995-7019.
    Published online: 20/04/23
  • Uth B., Stehle H., Wilhelm C., Detel H., & Podschuweit N. (2024). Die Journalismus-Publikum-Beziehung als Herausforderung für den politischen Journalismus. In C. Nuernbergk, N. F. Schumacher, J. Haßler, & J. Schützeneder (Eds.), Politischer Journalismus. Konstellationen – Muster – Dynamiken (pp. 147-162). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Zilinsky, J., Theocharis, Y., Pradel, F., Tulin, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., Esser, F., Gehle, L., Halagiera, D., Hameleers, M., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Štětka, V., Strömbäck, J., Terren, L., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stępińska, A., van Aelst, P., & Zoizner, A. (2024). Justifying an invasion: When is disinformation successful? Political Communication, 41(6), 965-986.
    Published online: 22/05/24

Published in Print (November 2024)

  • Hameleers, M., Tulin, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., van Aelst, P., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., van Erkel, P., Esser, F., Gehle, L., Halagiera, D., Hopmann, D., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Meltzer, C., Mihelj, S., Schemer, C., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stepinska, A., Stetka, V., Strömbäck, J., Terren, L., Theocharis, Y., & Zoizner, A. (2024). Mistakenly misinformed or intentionally deceived? Mis- and disinformation perceptions on the Russian War in Ukraine among citizens in 19 countries. European Journal of Political Research, 63(4), 1642-1654.
    Published online: 12/12/23
  • Hanusch, F., & Löhmann, K. (2024). Peripheral actors in lifestyle journalism. In S. A. Eldridge II, D. Cheruiyot, D., S. Banjac & J. Swart (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies (2nd edition) (pp. 289-298). London: Routledge.
  • Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2024). Is authenticity key? Mobilization by social media influencers versus celebrities and young people's political participation. Psychology & Marketing, 41(11), 2757-2771.
    Published online: 31/07/24
  • Juarez Miro, C. (2024). Exploring populist supporters' complex relationship with journalism. In M. Zulianello & P. Guasti (Eds.), Capire il populismo (Understanding populism) (pp. 192-195). UTET Università.