Publications: 2023

All publications are ordered alphabetically.

Articles, chapters and papers published before 2020 can be accessed through the newsletter archive or under "Books".

  • Amores, J. J., Oller Alonso, M., Panagiotou, N., Garusi, D., & Matsiola, M. (2023). Depictions of migrants and refugees in news photographs from Southern Europe. In C. Arcila Calderon & A. Veglis (Eds.), Migrants and refugees in Southern Europe beyond the news stories: Photographs, hate and journalists' perceptions (pp. 59-99). Lexington Books.
  • Arendt, F. (2023). Media stereotypes, prejudice, and preference-based reinforcement: Toward the dynamic of self-reinforcing effects by integrating audience selectivity. Journal of Communication, 73(5), 463-475.
    Published online: 05/06/23
  • Arendt, F., Forrai, M., & Mestas, M. (2023). News framing and preference-based reinforcement: Evidence from a real framing environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication Research, 50(2), 179-204.
    Published online: 07/07/22
  • Arendt, F., Markiewitz, A., & Scherr, S. (2023). News for life: Improving the quality of journalistic news reporting to prevent suicides. Journal of Communication, 73(1), 73-85.
    Published online: 28/11/22
  • Arendt, F., & Mestas, M. (2023). Suicide among soldiers and social contagion effects: An interrupted time-series analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 320, 115747.
    Published online: 03/02/23
  • Arendt, F., Northup, T., Forrai, M., & Scheufele, D. (2023). Why we stopped listening to the other side: How partisan cues in news coverage undermine the deliberative foundations of democracy. Journal of Communication, 73(5), 413-426.
    Published online: 15/03/23
  • Arendt, F., Till, B., Voracek, M., Kirchner, S., Sonneck, G., Naderer, B., Pürcher, P., & Niederkrotenthaler, T. (2023). ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, and suicide prevention: A call for a targeted and concerted research effort. Crisis, 44(5), 367-370.
    Published online: 22/09/23
  • Axyonova, V., & Lozka, K. (2023). "We are at war": Reflections on positionality and research as negotiation in post-2022 Ukraine. Journal of International Relations and Development, 26, 711-721.
    Published online: 13/07/23
  • Banks, J.*, & Koban, K.* (2023). A kind apart: The limited application of human race and sex stereotypes to a humanoid social robot. International Journal of Social Robotics, 15, 1949-1961.
    * shared first-authorship
    Published online: 05/07/22
  • Banks, J.*, Koban, K.*, & Haggadone, B. A. (2023). Avoiding the abject and seeking the script: Perceived mind, morality, and trust in a persuasive social robot. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 12(3), 32.
    *shared first-authorship
    Published online: 14/04/23
  • Banks, J., Koban, K., & Haggadone, B. A. (2023). Breaking the typecast: Moral status and trust in robotic moral patients. In R. Hakli, P. Mäkelä, & J. Seibt (Eds.), Social robots in social institutions. Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022 (pp. 315-324). IOS Press.
  • Baumann, A., Bausch, N., Benson, J. R., Bloos, S., Jablonczay, N., Kirchmair, T., & Sitter, E. (2023). Grumpiness ambivalently relates to negative and positive emotions in ironic Austrian German text data. In S. Carvalho, A. F. Khan, A. Ostroški Anić, B. Spahiu, J. Gracia, J. P. McCrae, D. Gromann, B. Heinisch, & A. Salgado (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (pp. 288-293). NOVA/FCSH-CLUNL-Núcleo de Jovens Investigadores do CLUNL, retrieved from
  • Bernhard, J., & Russmann, U. (2023). Digitalization in public relations – Changing competences: A longitudinal analysis of skills required in PR job ads. Public Relations Review, 49(1), 102283.
    Published online: 31/12/22
  • Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). What can stop the "pester power"? A longitudinal study on the impact of children's audiovisual media consumption on media-motivated food purchase requests. Pediatric Obesity, 18(6), e13018.
    Published online: 15/03/23
  • Boyer, M. M. (2023). Aroused argumentation: How the news exacerbates motivated reasoning. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 28(1), 92-115.
    Published online: 28/04/21
  • Boyer, M. M., & Lecheler, S. (2023). Social mobility or social change? How different groups react to identity-related news. European Journal of Communication, 38(1), 58-76.
    Published online: 21/06/22
  • Brändle, V. K. (2023). Claiming authority over 'truths' and 'facts': Information risk campaigns to prevent irregular migration. In M. Conrad, G. Hálfdanarson, A. Michailidou, C. Galpin & N. Pyrhönen (Eds.), Europe in the age of post-truth politics (pp. 151-176). Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Published online: 11/11/22
  • Brändle, V. K., Helles, R. & Jensen, K.B. (2023). The communicative state of states. In R. Helles, & K.B. Jensen (Eds.), Comparing communication systems: The Internets of China, Europe, and the United States (pp. 24-45). Oxon: Routledge.
    Published online: 29/11/22
  • Calice, M. N., Bao, L., Freiling, I., Howell, E., Xenos, M. A., Yang, S., Brossard, D., Newman, T. P., & Scheufele, D. A. (2023). Polarized platforms? How partisanship shapes perceptions of "algorithmic news bias". New Media and Society, 25(11), 2833-2854.
    Published online: 02/08/21
  • Devos, S., Karsay, K., Eggermont, S., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). "Whatever you do, I can do too": Disentangling the daily relations between exposure to positive social media content, can self, and pressure. Communication Monographs, 90(4), 437-455.
    Published online: 09/05/23
  • Dienlin, T. (2023). Privacy calculus: Theories, studies, and new perspectives. In S. Trepte, & P. Masur (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media (pp. 70-79). Routledge.
  • Dienlin, T., Ziegele, M., & Kümpel, A. S. (2023). Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung 2022: Tagungsbericht und Beitragsübersicht. In M. Ziegele, A. S. Kümpel, & T. Dienlin (Eds.), Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung 2022: Tagungsband (pp. 3-6). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft e.V.
  • Dogruel, L., Joeckel, S., & Wilhelm, C. (2023). Are byline biases an issue of the past? The effect of author's gender and emotion norm prescriptions on the evaluation of news articles on gender equality. Journalism, 24(3), 560-579.
    Published online: 22/04/21
  • Dorer, J. (2023). Feministische Theorie als Fundament feministischer Kommunikationswissenschaft. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 7-23). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Dorer, J. (2023). Genealogie neuer Kommunikationstechnologien und Geschlecht. Zu den Anfängen des Internets. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 467-481). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Dorer, J., Geiger, B., Hipfl, B., & Ratković, V. (2023). Medien und Geschlecht. Einleitung. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 1-4). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Dorer, J., Geiger, B., Hipfl, B., & Ratković, V. (2023). Feministische Medien- und Kommunikationsforschung: Rückblick – Ausblick. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.). Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 1017-1031). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Dorer, J., Hipfl, B., Geiger, B., & Ratković, V. (Eds.). (2023). Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht. Perspektiven und Befunde der feministischen Kommunikations- und Medienforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Dorer, J., & Marschik, M. (2023): Mediensport. Gender und Intersektionalität im Sportressort und in der Sportberichterstattung. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 835-851). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Dorer, J., & Marschik, M. (2023). 1923: Radio Hekaphon sendet erstmals. Das erste Rundfunkunternehmen Österreichs. In Haus der Geschichte Österreichs. Lexikon, retrieved from
  • Dorer, J., & Marschik, M. (2023). 1924: Die Gründung des Freien Radiobund. Radio und Arbeiter*innen-Bewegung in den 1920er Jahren. In Haus der Geschichte Österreichs. Lexikon, retrieved from
  • Duchkowitsch, W. (2023). Die Wiederkehr der Zensur. In B. Hachleitner, A. Pfoser, K. Prager, & W. M. Schwarz (Eds.), Die Zerstörung der Demokratie. Österreich, März 1933 bis Februar 1934 (pp. 80-84). Wien: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus.
    Published: 23/05/23
  • Einwiller, S., & Ruppel, C. (2023). Die Wirkung von (in)transparentem Native Advertising auf die Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Mediums (The effect of [in]transparent native advertising on the trustworthiness of the medium). In T. Koch, J. Beckert, B. Viererbl & N. Denner (Eds.), Grenzen, Entgrenzung und Grenzüberschreitungen der Public Relations und Organisationskommunikation (pp. 23-53). Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Einwiller, S., & Weitzl, W. (2023). Digital corporate communication and complaint management. In V. Luoma-aho & M. Badham (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Corporate Communication (pp. 193-207). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Published: 18/05/23
  • Forrai, M., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2023). Short-sighted ghosts. Psychological antecedents and consequences of ghosting others within emerging adults' romantic relationships and friendships. Telematics and Informatics, 80, 101969.
    Published online: 23/03/23
  • Freiling, I., & Matthes, J. (2023). Correcting climate change misinformation on social media: Reciprocal relationships between correcting others, anger, and environmental activism. Computers in Human Behavior, 145, 107769.
    Published online: 01/04/23
  • Freiling, I., Stubenvoll, M., & Matthes, J. (2023). Support for misinformation regulation on social media: It is the perceived harm of misinformation that matters, not the perceived amount. Policy & Internet, 15(4), 731-749.
    Published online: 14/08/23
  • Garusi, D. (2023). La fiducia nei media giornalistici secondo i dati del Digital News Report 2023 [Trust in the news media according to data from the Digital News Report 2023]. Problemi dell'informazione, 48(3), 481-485.
  • Garusi, D., Matsiola, M., Blanco Herrero, D., Saridou, T., & Sánchez Holgado, P. (2023). Journalists' perceptions about migration and hate speech against migrants in Southern Europe. In C. Arcila Calderon & A. Veglis (Eds.), Migrants and refugees in Southern Europe beyond the news stories: Photographs, hate and journalists' perceptions (pp. 143-173). Lexington Books.
  • Garusi, D., & Splendore, S. (2023). Advancing a qualitative turn in news media trust research. Sociology Compass, 17(4), e13075.
    Published online: 30/01/23
  • Garusi, D., & Splendore, S. (2023). News media (dis)trust as a media ecosystem property. Exploring the discrepancy of expectations between citizens and journalists. Problemi dell'informazione, 48(1), 85-108.
  • Gonzalez, A., Schmuck, D., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). Posting and framing politics: a content analysis of celebrities’, athletes’, and influencers’ Instagram political content. Information, Communication & Society, 27(8), 1605–1627.
  • Gouma, A., & Dorer, J. (2023). Intersektionalität: Methodologische und methodische Herausforderung für die feministische Medienforschung. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 183-198). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Gudkova, O., & Sarikakis, K. (2023). Proactive and optimal protection of children's digital privacy as the cornerstone for European democracies. Zenodo.
    Published online: 15/08/23
  • Guenther, L., Wilhelm, C., Oschatz, C., & Brück, J. (2023). Science communication on Twitter: Measuring indicators of engagement and their links to user interaction in communication scholars' Tweet content. Public Understanding of Science, 32(7), 860-869.
    Published online: 02/05/23
  • Hallin, D. C., Mellado, C., Cohen, A., Hubé, N., Nolan, D., Szabó, G., Lecheler, S... & Ybanez, N. (2023). Journalistic role performance in times of COVID. Journalism Studies, 24(16), 1977-1998.
    Published online: 21/11/23
  • Hanusch, F., & Löhmann, K. (2023). Dimensions of peripherality in journalism: A typology for studying new actors in the journalistic field. Digital Journalism, 11(7), 1292-1310.
    Published online: 13/12/22
  • Heiss, R., Nanz, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). Social media information literacy: Conceptualization and associations with information overload, news avoidance and conspiracy mentality. Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107908.
    Published online: 07/08/23
  • Hendrickx, J. (2023). From newspapers to TikTok: Social media journalism as the fourth wave of news production, diffusion and consumption. In M.-C. Negreira-Rey, J. Vázquez-Herrero, J. Sixto-García, & X. López-García (Eds.), Blurring boundaries of journalism in digital media: New actors, models and practices (pp. 229-246). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    Published online: 07/12/23
  • Herczeg, P. (2023). Der Journalismus und das Weltverstehen. In W. Loosen & A. Scholl (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Journalismusforschung (pp. 31-44). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 23/07/23
  • Herczeg, P., Steinacher, R., Forgó, N., Leichtfried, M., Römmer-Nossek, B., Böhm, R., Karall, E., Filipovic, A., Kayali, F., Tschiatschek, S., Lieberzeit, P., Sonntagbauer, K., & Studienservice und Lehrwesen (2023). Guidelines der Universität Wien zum Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Lehre. University of Vienna.
  • Hendrickx, J., Van Remoortere, A., & Opgenhaffen, M. (2023). Love, Like or angry in times of COVID-19? Analysing news brands’ audience engagement on Facebook amidst a pandemic. Journalism and Media, 4(3), 931-945.
    Published online: 05/09/23
  • Huber, B., & Quesada Baena, L. (2023). Women scientists on TikTok: New opportunities to become visible and challenge gender stereotypes. Media and Communication, 11(1), 240-251.
    Published online: 27/03/23
  • Hömberg, Walter (Ed.) (2023). Marginalistik. Almanach für Freunde fröhlicher Wissenschaft. München: Allitera-Verlag. 270 Seiten. Einzelrezension von Roland Burkart. Communicatio Socialis, 56(4), 579-581.
  • Jovanovic, T., Bodroza, B., Orchard, L., Fullwood, C., Kermani, H., Casale, S., Fioravanti, G., Buljan, I., & Hren, D. (2023). Cross-cultural validity of the psycho-social aspects of Facebook Use (PSAFU) scale. Psihologija, 56(1), 31-62.
  • Kalidz, L., & Götzenbrucker, G. (2023). Lip Fillers, BBLs und Feminismus. Zum Diskurs über kosmetische Eingriffe auf TikTok aus feminismustheoretischer Perspektive. MedienJournal, 47(2), 72-93.
  • Kaňková, J., Saumer, M., Neureiter, A., Darovskikh, S., Shargina, E., & Matthes, J. (2023). "I am young, why should I vaccinate?" How empathetic and aggressive communication on social media impact young adults' attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1190847.
    Published online: 06/10/23
  • Karsay, K., Camerini, A.-L., & Matthes, J. (2023). COVID-19, digital media, and health: Lessons learned and the way ahead for the study of human communication. International Journal of Communication, 17, 623-630, retrieved from
  • Karsay, K., Camerini, A.-L., & Matthes, J. (2023) (Eds.). COVID-19, digital media, and health. Special issue. International Journal of Communication, 17, 623-734.
  • Karsay, K., Matthes, J., Schmuck, D., & Ecklebe, S. (2023). Messaging, posting, and browsing: A mobile experience sampling study investigating youth's social media use, affective well-being, and loneliness. Social Science Computer Review, 41(4), 1493-1513.
    Published online: 05/04/22
  • Karsay, K., Schmuck, D., Stevic, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). Sleeping with the smartphone: A panel study investigating parental mediation, adolescents' tiredness, and physical well-being. Behaviour & Information Technology, 42(11), 1833-1844.
    Published online: 16/07/22
  • Kaskeleviciute, R., & Matthes, J. (2023). A vicious cycle? Threat of terror, perceived media bias, and support for surveillance policies. Mass Communication and Society, 26(3), 463-485.
    Published online: 06/05/22
  • Kathirgamalingam, A., Lind, F., & Boomgaarden, H. (2023). Automated detection of voice in news texts: Evaluating tools for reported speech and speaker recognition. Computational Communication Research, 5(1), 85-108. Retrieved from
    Published online: 24/04/23
  • Keil, S., & Dorer, J. (2023). Medienproduktion: Journalismus und Geschlecht. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 271-286). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Published online: 09/07/23
  • Kermani, H., & Tafreshi, A. (2023). Walking with Bourdieu into Twitter communities: An analysis of networked publics struggling on power in Iranian Twittersphere. Information, Communication & Society, 26(8), 1653-1674.
    Published online: 09/01/22
  • Kermani, H., Bayat Makou, A., Tafreshi, A., Mohamad Ghodsi, A., & Ataee, H. (2023). Bots versus humans: Discursive activism during the pandemic in the Iranian Twittersphere. Social Media + Society, 9(4).
    Published online: 18/12/23
  • Kermani, H., Khorshidi, M., & Ashtiani Araghi, M. (2023). A case study on the COVID-19 discourse in politicians’ speeches: Investigations into the speeches of former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Studies in Communication Sciences, 23(3), 279-295.
    Published online: 09/12/23
  • Khaelss-Khaelssberg, A., & Lamprecht, W. (2023). Journalismus in der digitalen Transformation. kommunikationsmanager – Das Magazin für Entscheider in Kommunikation und Marketing, 4, 61-63.
  • Kluknavská, A., & Eisele, O. (2023). Trump and circumstance: Introducing the post-truth claim as an instrument for investigating truth contestation in public discourse. Information, Communication & Society, 26(8), 1583-1600.
    Published online: 26/12/21
  • Knupfer, H., & Matthes, J. (2023). An attack against us all? Perceived similarity and compassion for the victims mediate the effects of news coverage about right-wing terrorism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 46(12), 2400-2425.
    Published online: 01/06/21
  • Knupfer, H., Neureiter, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). From social media diet to public riot? Engagement with "greenfluencers" and young social media users' environmental activism. Computers in Human Behavior, 139, 107527.
    Published online: 14/10/22
  • Koban, K. & Banks, J. (2023). Dual-process theory in human-machine communication. In A.L. Guzman, R. McEwen, & S. Jones (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of human-machine communication (pp. 302-309). SAGE.
  • Koban, K., Stevic, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). A tale of two concepts: Differential temporal predictions of habitual and compulsive social media use concerning connection overload and sleep quality. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28(2), zmac040.
    Published online: 16/01/23
  • Kobilke, L., Kulichkina, A., Baghumyan, A., & Pipal, C. (2023). Blaming it on NATO? Framing the role of NATO in the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on Twitter. Frontiers in Political Science, 5, 1122439.
    Published online: 24/05/23
  • Kolokytha, O. (2023). Reclaiming place: Cultural initiatives in Cretan villages as enablers of citizen involvement and repopulation. In V. Durrer, A. Gilmore, L. Jancovich, & D. Stevenson (Eds.), Cultural policy is local: Understanding cultural policy as situated practice (pp. 169-187). UK: Palgrave.
    Published online: 27/08/23
  • Kougia, V., Fetzel, S., Kirchmair, T., Çano, E., Baharlou, S., Sharifzadeh, S. & Roth, B. (2023). MemeGraphs: Linking memes to knowledge graphs. In G. A. Jain, K. Kise, & R. Zanibbi (Eds.), Document analysis and recognition – ICDAR 2023. Lecture notes in computer science (pp. 534-551), 14187. Cham: Springer.
    Published online: 19/08/23
  • Laufer, D., Einwiller, S., & Neureiter, A. (2023). All the news that is fit to print? Reporting on a victim's character during a crisis. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 31(4), 592-598.
    Published online: 27/03/23
  • Matthes, J., Corbu, N., Jin, S., Theocharis, Y., Schemer, C., van Aelst, P., Strömbäck, J., Koc-Michalska, K., Esser, F., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A., Castro, L., de Vreese, C., Hopmann, D., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stępińska, A., Štětka, V., & Zoizner, A. (2023). Perceived prevalence of misinformation fuels worries about COVID-19: A cross-country, multi-method investigation. Information, Communication & Society, 26(16), 3135-3158.
    Published online: 29/11/22
  • Matthes, J., Heiss, R., & van Scharrel, H. (2023). The distraction effect. Political and entertainment-oriented content on social media, political participation, interest, and knowledge. Computers in Human Behavior, 142, 107644.
    Published online: 02/01/23
  • Matthes, J., Nanz, A., Kaskeleviciute, R., Reiter, F., Freiling, I., Neureiter, A., Stubenvoll, M., Sherrah, S. E., Juricek, S., Munzir, A. A., & Noronha, I. (2023). The way we use social media matters: A panel study on passive versus active political social media use and affective polarization. International Journal of Communication, 17, 5223-5245, retrieved from
  • Matthes, J., Schmuck, D., & von Sikorski, C. (2023). In the eye of the beholder: A case for the visual hostile media phenomenon. Communication Research, 50(7), 879-903.
    Published online: 01/06/23
  • Matthes, J., Stevic, A., Koban, K., Thomas, M. F., Forrai, M., & Karsay, K. (2023). Fear of missing out, reflective smartphone disengagement, and loneliness in late adolescents. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(10), 731-738.
    Published online: 14/08/23
  • Mestas, M., & Arendt, F. (2023). Celebrity suicide and forced responsible reporting in the nineteenth century: Crown Prince Rudolf and the absence of a Werther Effect. Health Communication, 38(3), 568-574.
    Published online: 06/08/21
  • Mestas, M., & Arendt, F. (2023). Suicide of a tenor amidst the stage setting of the Werther opera's death scene: A historical case report. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 44(2), 122-127.
    Published online: 17/12/21
  • Neureiter, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). Comparing the effects of greenwashing claims in environmental airline advertising: Perceived greenwashing, brand evaluation, and flight shame. International Journal of Advertising, 42(3), 461-487.
    Published online: 28/05/22
  • Nölleke, D., Hanusch, F., & Maares, P. (2023). The ambivalence of recognition: How awarded journalists assess the value of journalism prizes. Journalism, 24(7), 1406-1423.
    Published online: 17/06/22
  • Noetzel, S., Mussalem Gentile, M. F., Lowery, G., Zemanova, S., Lecheler, S., & Peter, C. (2023). Social campaigns to social change? Sexual violence framing in U.S. news before and after #metoo. Journalism, 24(6), 1232-2362.
    Published online: 03/01/22
  • Reiter, F., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2023). Explaining attitude-consistent exposure on social network sites: The role of ideology, political involvement, and network characteristics. Social Science Computer Review, 41(4), 1207-1226.
    Published online: 28/02/22
  • Reiter, F., & Matthes, J. (2021). Correctives of the mainstream media? A panel study on mainstream media use, alternative digital media use, and the erosion of political interest as well as political knowledge. Digital Journalism, 11(5), 813-832.
    Published online: 20/10/21
  • Rodriguez-Salcedo, N., Moreno, A., Einwiller, S., & Recalde, M. (Eds.) (2023). (Re)discovering the human element in public relations and communication management in unpredictable times. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Rosenthal-von der Pütten, A., & Koban, K. (2023). Interpersonal interaction between people and machines. In A.L. Guzman, R. McEwen, & S. Jones (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of human-machine communication (pp. 294-301). SAGE.
  • Rußmann, U., Einwiller, S., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Stürmer, L., & Reiter, G. (2023). Journalismus in Zeiten verschwimmender Grenzen zwischen Journalismus, PR und Werbung. In T. Hug, & J. Penz (Eds.), Blinde Flecken im Mediensystem? – Qualitätsjournalismus im Krisenmodus (pp. 65–76). Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.
  • Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & von Sikorski, C. (2023). No compassion for Muslims? How journalistic news coverage of terrorist crimes influences emotional reactions and policy support depending on the victim's religion. Crime & Delinquency, 69(5), 1020-1043.
    Published online: 11/03/21
  • Schmuck, D., Stevic, A., Matthes, J., & Karsay, K. (2023). Out of control? How parents' perceived lack of control over children's smartphone use affects children's self-esteem over time. New Media and Society, 25(1), 199-219.
    Published online: 28/04/21
  • Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Neureiter, A. (2023). The gamification of corporate communications – New pathways of storytelling and relationship building. In V. Luoma-aho & M. Badham (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Corporate Communication (pp. 266-280). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Published: 18/05/23
  • Stevic, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). Co-present smartphone use, friendship satisfaction, and social isolation: The role of coping strategies. Computers in Human Behavior, 149, 107960.
    Published online: 17/09/23
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