Our Department of Communication is known for its excellent book and journal publications, which are held in high esteem both nationally and internationally.
Our department members have served or are currently serving as Editors-in-Chiefs or Associate Editors for several major international journals such as Communication Methods & Measures, International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, Journalism Studies, Journal of Communication, International Journal of Press/Politics, and Human Communication Research.
In the area of media history, our department has been publishing the journal Medien & Zeit since 1986.
"Medien & Zeit is an interdisciplinary journal produced in Vienna. It focuses on theories, methods and issues in communication research in all their diversity, and aims to consider these in a historical perspective and with an integrated approach."
Employees of our Department are also represented on the editorial boards of numerous journals, such as (in alphabetical order):
- Annals of the International Communication Association
- Communication Research
- Communication Today
- Human Communication Research
- International Journal of Communication
- International Journal of E-Politics
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Applied Communication Research
- Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
- Journal of Communication
- Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
- Journal of Information Technology & Politics
- Journal of Media Psychology
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
- Mass Communication and Society
- Media Psychology