Franz Bogner Science Award for PR 2023


Four recent graduates of our BA and MA programs were each awarded one of this year's Franz Bogner Science Awards for PR.

The top-ranked "Master thesis at universities" at this year's ceremony of the Franz Bogner Science Award for PR was written and supervised at our Department. Christoph Heshmatpour's thesis entitled Bullshit Medien-Jobs? Eine ethnographische Annäherung an die Berufserfahrung von Kommunikationsarbeiter*innen received the first prize in said category "Master theses at universities". Further, Katharina Spitzer was awarded the second prize in the same category. Both these were supervised by Sabine Einwiller.

In the category "Bachelor Thesis", Johanna Wittner received the first first prize for her thesis titled Diversität in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Gelebte Praxis oder leeres Versprechen? (Supervisor: Sabine Einwiller). Moreoever, Enzo di Vece's bachelor thesis Bundespräsidentschaftswahlkampf 2022 auf Facebook: Bildstrategien von Alexander Van der Bellen und Walter Rosenkranz im Vergleich (supervised by Andreas Nanz) was honored with the third prize in this category.

Some impressions and images of the ceremony and the award winners are available here.

Generally, the Franz Bogner Science Award for PR honors outstanding BA theses, MA theses as well as (every three years) dissertations dealing with issues in Public Relations.