Franz Bogner Science Award 2022


Gamze Görgülü, a recent graduate of our master program, was awarded one of this year's Franz Bogner Science Awards for PR.

Like the 2021 awards, the top-ranked "master thesis at universities" at this year's ceremony of the Franz Bogner Science Award for PR was once again written and supervised at our Department. Gamze Görgülü's thesis entitled Kommunale Bürger*innenkommunikation in Zeiten von COVID-19 – Eine qualitative Untersuchung der externen Risiko-, Krisen- bzw. Notfallkommunikation einer österreichischen Landeshauptstadt received the first prize in said category "Master theses at universities". The thesis was supervised by Sabine Einwiller.

Generally, the Franz Bogner Science Award for PR honors outstanding BA theses, MA theses as well as (every three years) dissertations dealing with issues in Public Relations.