We welcome Professor Timothy Kuhn as guest at our department


Tim Kuhn, Professor and Chair in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA, is a guest at our department from January 17-20.

He is currently the chair of the Organizational Communication division of the International Communication Association (ICA), where he was selected as a Fellow in 2020. His research addresses the constitution of authority, agency, knowledge, and identity in sociomaterial, power-laden, and dis/orderly communication practices. Tim Kuhn is the author or editor of six books, including the soon-to-be-released Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organizations.

On January 17, Professor Kuhn will be a guest at our department's research colloquium (accessible via Zoom from 11:30 CET) and present a small slice of a new book project, one that leverages CCO thinking in pursuing an alternative theory of the firm. On January 19, he will give the students in the english-speaking master program Communication Science an understanding of the communicative constitution of organization approach.

Image © Timothy Kuhn • University of Colorado Boulder