Research Talks: Summer Semester 2023


Once again, renowned international scholars as well as colleagues of our department will present their research agenda.

For the upcoming research talk series, we have scheduled four talks in total on April 24, May 15, June 19, and June 26, 2023. Julia Rohrer's as well as Annika Sehl's talk will be held online via Zoom. The presentations by Dan Laufer, Annie Waldherr, and Nicola Righetti are planned as in-person events at SR 4 of Währinger Straße 29.

To have a look at the official poster and further information on the talks as well as a short abstract, please check here.

The research talk series is open to the public as well. If you have any further organizational questions, please contact Dana Grohs (✉

April 24, 2023 • 11:30-13:00 CET, via Zoom

Julia Rohrer (Leipzig University, Germany)
Titel: Less Casual Causal Inference for Experiments and Longitudinal Data

May 15, 2023 • 11:30-13:00 CET, SR 4, Währinger Straße 29

Dan Laufer (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Title: Guilty by Association: The Risk of Crisis Contagion

June 19, 2023 • 11:30-13:00 CET, via Zoom

Annika Sehl (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany)
Title: Public Service Media under Pressure. Challenges and Opportunities of a Societal Institution in Times of Media and Social Change

June 26, 2023 • 11:30-13:00 CET, SR 3, Währinger Straße 29

Annie Waldherr & Nicola Righetti (University of Vienna)
Title: Focusing Events and Waves of Attention on Social Media