Fulbright Fellow: Professor Daniela Dimitrova


We are happy to host Daniela Dimitrova (Iowa State University) as Fulbright-University of Vienna Visiting Professor of Social Sciences at our department.

Daniela Dimitrova, who was already our guest during the summer semester 2020, was awarded a prestigious Fulbright fellowship and will therefore spend the current summer semester in Vienna at the Faculty of Social Sciences, specifically at our department.

Activities: During her stay in Vienna, Professor Dimitrova will teach in our master program as well as a research colloquium entitled "From Research Idea to Published Paper in the Social Sciences" within the "Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences" (ViDSS). Together with Folker Hanusch, she will give a presentation at the department's research talk series on Challenges and Opportunities for Internationalization of Academic Journals: Editors' Views (please see below for further details). Furthermore, the ViDSS is organizing the workshop "Publication Strategies in the Social Sciences" (scheduled for June 28), also led by Professor Dimitrova.

CV: Daniela Dimitrova (Ph.D., University of Florida) is a Professor in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University, USA. Her research interests include international political communication, media framing as well as information and communication technologies (ICTs). During her time in Vienna, she will work on her project entitled Global Migration and the Media, where she uses a two-pronged approach looking at media framing of the issue in different cultural contexts, as well as investigating NGO communication campaigns about refugees/migrants.

Professor Dimitrova has been actively involved with the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), where she served as Head, Vice-Head and Research Chair of the Communication Technology Division.

Since fall 2020, she is editor-in-chief of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, the oldest refereed scholarly journal in mass communication. She has published extensively in journals such as Communication ResearchJournalism & Mass Communication QuarterlyNew Media & SocietyThe International Journal of Press/Politics, and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Professor Dimitrova is the recipient of multiple awards, including the LAS Excellence in Graduate Mentoring and International Service Award from Iowa State University, and was featured in the Women Impacting ISU calendar. Her most recent book is an edited volume about Global Journalism and World Media Systems, published in 2021 by Rowman & Littlefield.

Teaching – Research Talk – Workshop

Teaching (Master program): "FOSE: Research Seminar A"

Teaching (PhD program): "Research Colloquium: From Research Idea to Published Paper in the Social Sciences"

Research Talk: "Challenges and Opportunities for Internationalization of Academic Journals: Editors' Views"
Department of Communication
May 16, 11:30-13:00, Seminarraum 3, Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Vienna

Workshop: "Publication Strategies in the Social Sciences"
Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS)
June 28, 09:30-11:00 | Location: TBA
Contact: Dr. Faime Alpagu, BA MA


Professor Dr. Daniela Dimitrova – Iowa State University

Fulbright Austria

Fulbright-University of Vienna Visiting Professor of Social Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna

Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences

Image © Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication (Iowa State University)