Open Door Workshop on "Refugee Voices for Democracy"


On June 22, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is organizing a workshop at our Department.

The workshop entitled Information Malaise and Europe: Refugee Voices for Democracy will take place on June 22 from 09:00-13:00 in the Department's main lecture hall (Hörsaal 1) in Währinger Straße 29, Vienna. It will be organized by Katharine Sarikakis's Media Governance & Industries Research Lab.

This workshop aims to promote inclusive and participatory approaches to governance in European democracies, with a particular focus on the voices and perspectives of refugees. The keynote Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: The Impact and Potential of Refugee Voices in Europe will be held by Marie-Claire Sowinetz of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Registration for the event is required, and the full program can be accessed here.